Access to our Facebook group of supporters - talk about anything you like.
Access to our Facebook group of supporters - talk about anything you like.
Access to all previous rewards, and from time to time, we will honor your name and picture in a special video.
Anyone who pledges $8 or more will receive access to behind-the-scene photos and bonus videos.
Pledge $24 or more and you will have access to a private facebook room to hang out and discuss stories with developers and creators.
Pledge $48 and you will be one of the Editors, on our live platform.
Pledge $92 or more and we will give you access to a private messenger to ask us questions anytime. Send tips, get clarification, and request interviews.
Pledge $186 or more and our community will brainstorming solutions and ideas for your business and life challenges.
Pledge $248 or more and you can just come over and hang out for our live sessions in person. Also, you may receive good dividends from our future billion-dollar project.