Joel Jammal profile
Joel Jammal
Joel Jammal
Striving to create intellectually honest dialogue for better political conversations.
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Títulos de Assinatura

USD mensal
Tier 6
  • 🔴 Supports my work as an investigative journalist & commentator including: Articles, Investigative filmed segments, Insightful interviews & on the ground live-stream reporting.
USD mensal
Tier 5
  • 🔴 Supports my work as an investigative journalist & commentator including: Articles, Investigative filmed segments, Insightful interviews & on the ground live-stream reporting.
USD mensal
Tier 4
  • 🔴 Supports my work as an investigative journalist & commentator including: Articles, Investigative filmed segments, Insightful interviews & on the ground live-stream reporting.
USD mensal
Tier 3
  • 🔴 Supports my work as an investigative journalist & commentator including: Articles, Investigative filmed segments, Insightful interviews & on the ground live-stream reporting.
USD mensal
Tier 2
  • 🔴 Supports my work as an investigative journalist & commentator including: Articles, Investigative filmed segments, Insightful interviews & on the ground live-stream reporting.

  • In person coffee or zoom call once a month

USD mensal
Tier 1
  • 🔴 Supports my work as an investigative journalist & commentator including: Articles, Investigative filmed segments, Insightful interviews & on the ground live-stream reporting.

  • In person coffee or zoom call once a month



  • Thank you for the support. Your subscription to the channel is what makes my work possible.
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