Aaron Storm profile
Aaron Storm
Aaron Storm
For decades I've read at least a dozen books a month. For the past few years I've been writing as a hobby. I have a number of projects that are well on their way to novel length. My goal is to start sharing what I've written.

Планы подписки

USD в месяц
Basic Tier

Basic subscription will give you access to projects I'm currently working on. Most of it I'll have reviewed at least once for spelling and grammatical errors. You can expect that first posts on a project will be at least 20k words with additional chapters and updates posted later.

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USD в месяц
Advanced Tier

This tier will give you access to a number of posts I'll be making with projects that are still in rough draft. I expect I'll post quite a few projects that are uncompleted but somewhere between short novel and full novel length. At some point if there is enough interest in one, or as I finish other projects, I'll pick some of these and complete them.

0 подписчиков


  • I'll be posting chapters of a number of books I'm working on.
  • In addition to subscription posts I'll also be posting a few samples of the first chapter or two of these books.
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