Technical Artist

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16 posts


to reach
ALIENWARE M15 R3 GAMING LAPTOP TL;DR - I'm working towards getting a machine from a long-time favourite brands, Dell, which I recently found out bought Alienware, a brand I first considered. Such a confluence was a something I took as a sign and has become the motivation for something I once considered out of my league. I'm willing to put in all the hours to pay for it out-of-pocket. This is for anyone whom would like to support the cause. There's a second phase to this goal, but it will sound cheesy if I share it before even getting halfway. No obligation, I'm doing it regardless. 🤙
to reach
Completing my Formal Studies 2020 has been a difficult year for many - that cannot be denied. I was was on my way to completing my masters degree in architecture and due to circumstances (that aren't COVID-related) I made the decision to withdraw in service of protecting my mental health. I pivoted and started my journey towards becoming a Technical Artist and my YouTube channel serves to document that learning journey. This didn't, however, completely close my chapter in academia - I just needed to regroup and re-evaluate what I wanted and what having that degree would mean for me moving forward. I've since found an avenue I'd like to pursue with the intention of it complementing what I'm doing now. Finding funding (avoiding the loan route) isn't an easy one, but I'm exploring as many avenues that I can - This is one of them. The listed amount covers registration and full tuition. Everything else I'll hopefully be able to cover through odd-jobs and commissions. My goal is to raise these funds throughout 2021 and hopefully register for 2022.

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