The Great Change profile
The Great Change
The Great Change
We are in a crisis in the evolution of human society. It’s unique to both human and geologic history. It has never happened before and it can’t possibly happen again. Albert Bates is creating a revolution, and it ends well.
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Free Rider

Want to just see what gives? You got it.

3 assinantes
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Spare Change

Check your pockets. Can you spare a dollar? You'll get exclusive content before non-subscribers do.

0 assinantes
USD mensal

You help me get my blog posted every week. You make that possible. You encourage me to do more and then tell you about it. I am thinking of you.

0 assinantes
USD mensal

I'd offer you a T-shirt and a mug but I haven't come up with one yet. Instead, I pledge to earn the respect you have given me. We are going to do this together. We are out to save the world.

0 assinantes
USD mensal
Power Up!

If you visit me you get a free stay in a guest cabin at The Farm or in a private room in our EcoHostel. You can call me up. I'll give you my number and friend you on WhatsApp and Facebook. You'll get a book off every first printing. And thanks! You just made my day.

0 assinantes

Bem vinda

  • You help me get my blog posted every week. You make that possible. You encourage me to do more and then tell you about it. You have my gratitude.

A subscrição dá-lhe:
  • Acesso ao conteúdo do perfil da Star.
  • Capacidade de apoiar sua Estrela contribuindo - uma vez ou de forma recorrente.
  • Significa entrar em contato com a Estrela diretamente por meio do Instant Messenger.


6 publicação


$0.00 of $1,000,000
per month
Our next step for the Cool Lab proof of concept is a functional office in Belize with a skilled staff. That is just a stepping stone to full architectural and engineering blueprints, land and equipment acquisitions, and starting production runs.

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A subscrição dá-lhe:
  • Acesso ao conteúdo do perfil da Star.
  • Capacidade de apoiar sua Estrela contribuindo - uma vez ou de forma recorrente.
  • Significa entrar em contato com a Estrela diretamente por meio do Instant Messenger.
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