DarkMatter2525 profile
I am DarkMatter2525 from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/DarkMatter2525
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Just try not to commit any genocides, cool?

3 assinantes
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Not Mo

Also, plz no genocide. K? Thx.

2 assinantes
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Flying Jewish Carpenter

Shouldn't you be giving away ALL of your possessions?

1 assinante
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Ruler of Demons, Devil, Accuser, Prince of Power, Roaring Lion, Serpent, Dragon, Adversary, Tempter, Anointed Cherub that Covers, Beelzebub, Belial, Wicked One, Wendy's Evil Twin, The One Who Managed to Not Commit Genocide

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Jeffery Flying Baby

Puts up with God. Values logic and actual moral reasoning as opposed to blind authoritarianism.

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  • For now I'll be providing updates and commentary of future animation projects and current events, just like Patreon.
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Thank you all so much for enabling me to create this series. It wouldn't exist if not for your support. I just wouldn't be able to devote the time needed without a way to support my family. You gave me a way to do that, so now this series exists. Thank you!

I am very happy with how this story ends, and I hope you will be to.
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Update 3 on the End of Power Corrupts:I’ve animated just about every scene now. There are always ...

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Update 2 on The End of Power Corrupts:I'm really into the heart of this animation now. Most of th...

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Update 1 on the End of Power Corrupts:I recently shared the script with some very intelligent peo...

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The Final Episode of Power Corrupts:On August 23, 2014, a full 8 years ago, I uploaded the very f...

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Luckily, the animation I was working on when I got COVID was simple from a technical standpoint, but its subject matter is more complex. Fortunately, I did the voice work before getting sick, which was extremely tedious. I read all of the robot's lines backwards, and then cut each word and rearraigned them forward. That removes any semblance of proper human inflection. I also had to create a clock using keyframes and loops, and precisely time it with a moment in the video. Fun little things like that can be challenging, even when the video itself is so visually simple.

This video touches on some topics that interest me. I often wonder about the morality of the future, and if things keep progressing, how we will be seen in the grand scheme of things. Animal rights? AI rights? Our offspring may see us as barbarians for not considering these things well enough. What was once considered normal is now considered abhorrent (slavery, child labor/marriage, etc). We should consider them and challenge ourselves further.
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