Dottie the Psychic profile
Dottie the Psychic
Dottie the Psychic
Hi, I'm Dottie the Psychic and professional fortune teller with a YouTube channel and many other social media outlets. I'm trying to help in someway normalize mental health and spirituality.

Subscription Tiers

per month

Special Content, Exclusive Offers & Discounts

0 subscribers
per month

Included in Previous Tier: Special Content, Exclusive Offers & Discounts, Priority Casting for Roles in my Productions, PLUS: Nominate & Vote for Cause of the Month, $2 from Each Supporter goes to the Cause of the Month

0 subscribers
per month
The Golden Dole

Included in Previous Tier: Special Content, Exclusive Offers & Discounts, Priority Casting for Roles in my Productions, Nominate & Vote for Cause of the Month, $2 from Each Supporter goes to the Cause of the Month, PLUS: Recognition in Video Credits, Access to Friends of Dottie Facebook Page

0 subscribers
per month
The Inner Shell

Included in Previous Tier: Special Content, Exclusive Offers & Discounts, Priority Casting for Roles in my Productions, Nominate & Vote for Cause of the Month, $2 from Each Supporter goes to the Cause of the Month, Recognition in Video Credits, Access to Friends of Dottie Facebook Page, PLUS: One FREE Reading of YOUR Choice Each Month

0 subscribers


  • Special Content
  • Exclusive Offers & Discounts

Star Stats

16 posts


$0.00 of $25
per month
Paying my social media manager. This is how much it costs a month for Mystic PC to run my social media. It's been totally worth it because I wouldn't be making any money with out them.
$0.00 of $100
per month
Upping production: At this point I can start to buy nice things for the channel. I might even take some real classes on this down at the local theater.

Other stars

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