Magic of the Mouse Radio - Disney Music profile
Magic of the Mouse Radio - Disney Music
Magic of the Mouse Radio - Disney Music
Playing the music from all your favorite Walt Disney Movie Soundtracks. We also feature the Music from the Walt Disney Theme Parks and Rides and Shows

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Subscription Tiers

USD monthly
Magic of the Mouse Radio Tier

As a "Magic Of the Mouse Tier” Member, you will receive a Shout Out on the Magic of the Mouse Radio as a Thank You.

You will also receive our Magic of the Mouse - Welcome Package. (Thank You Letter, Sticker)

0 subscribers
USD monthly
Magic Kingdom Tier

As a "Magic Kingdom" Tier Member, you will receive a Shout Out on the Magic of the Mouse Radio as a Thank You.

You will receive our Magic of the Mouse - Magic Kingdom Welcome Package. (Thank You Letter, Sticker & Key Chain)

You Will also be able to Program 1 Hour of Disney Music, that will be DJ'd by Me the Stations Owner "Bill Sr" With Pre-Recorded Message from you, to Air with the Program and Your Name Mentioned Through Out.

0 subscribers
USD monthly
Minnie Tier

As a "Minnie" Tier Member, you will receive a:

Magic of the Mouse Radio Button, Plus a Magic of the Mouse Radio Coffee Mug (After Your 3rd Month of Membership)

"Plus All In The Magic Kingdom Tier"

Shout Out on the Magic of the Mouse Radio as a Thank You.

You will receive our Magic of the Mouse - Magic Kingdom Welcome Package. (Thank You Letter, Sticker & Key Chain)

You Will also be able to Program 1 Hour of Disney Music, that will be DJ'd by Me the Stations Owner "Bill Sr" With Pre-Recorded Message from you, to Air with the Program and Your Name Mentioned Through Out.

0 subscribers
USD monthly
Mickey Tier

As a "Mickey" Tier Member, you will receive a:

Magic of the Mouse Radio "T-Shirt" (4th Month of Membership)

"Plus All In The "Minnie Tier"

Magic of the Mouse Radio Button, Plus a Magic of the Mouse Radio Coffee Mug (After Your 3rd Month of Membership)

"Plus All In The Magic Kingdom Tier"

Shout Out on the Magic of the Mouse Radio as a Thank You.

You will receive our Magic of the Mouse - Magic Kingdom Welcome Package. (Thank You Letter, Sticker & Key Chain)

You Will also be able to Program 1 Hour of Disney Music, that will be DJ'd by Me the Stations Owner "Bill Sr" With Pre-Recorded Message from you, to Air with the Program and Your Name Mentioned Through Out.

0 subscribers


  • A Magic of the Mouse Radio Button
  • Exclusive Content
  • Program a one hour Playlist with the Song You want to hear.

Star Stats

30 days
 Trust Period
1 post


to reach
Our Goal is to Help offset our monthly expenses of Bringing the "Magic of the Mouse Radio" to you our listners (Station Host, Cost of Purchasing New Music to Air). Also to upgrade our equipment to bring you and even Better Listening experience.

Other stars


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  • Přístup k obsahu profilu Star.
  • Schopnost podpořit vaši hvězdu přispěním-jednorázovým nebo opakovaným.
  • Znamená oslovit hvězdu přímo pomocí Instant Messengeru.
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