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New Discourses
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The New Law and Politics of Parental Rights

The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Ep. 144
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Leftists believe the state owns your children. Never has that been more evident than in the last few years, at least in Western nations, and the result has been a momentous pushback against them. The Parents Rights movement is the beating heart of the resistance to Woke Marxism, and it's changing the world for the better. The Woke Marxists, for their part, have noticed, though, and they're not just pushing back and "navigating parental resistance," they're also trying to rewrite legal theory to convince judges and magistrates that the movement is illegitimate and reactionary. In this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, host James Lindsay goes through a brand new paper from the University of Michigan Law to show you how they're doing it and how crucial this fight is. Join him to understand how to engage in the next round of the fight to regain our parental rights!

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New Discourses
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The Lie of Planned Spontaneity

New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 90
Regardless of the issue (BLM, Drag Queen Story Hour, Pride, or a college uprising), the ideological totalism of Woke Marxism uses classic tactics to advance itself. One of those is a kind of manipulation through what is called "planned spontaneity," a clear oxymoron. Planned spontaneity is a "mystical manipulation," in the words of Robert Jay Lifton, that gives the totalizing cult the appearance of incredible, widespread, organic support, if not omniscience. The current pro-Hamas (or pro-Palestine) student uprisings are no exception. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay explains this phenomenon through the lens of Lifton's work, particularly indicating how the current Red-Guard student uprisings fit into this fake, manipulative frame of reference. Don't miss it!
New Discourses Bullets 090 - The Lie of Planned Spontaneity.mp3
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