You're officially my Dawg in the Nuance Bro family and will be referred to as such
Access To Nuance Bro Discord
Vote on future videos/event locations
Process/behind-the-scenes/extra content that might not be safe for YouTube audiences
3 подписчика SubscribeStar $6.00 tier
USD в месяц
You're officially my Homie in the Nuance Bro family and will be referred to as such
Extra Discord privileges (move, manage messages, etc)
Ask questions before/during livestreams and I will prioritize them
Plus all previous rewards
0 подписчиков SubscribeStar $11.00 tier
USD в месяц
You're officially my Bro in the Nuance Bro family and will be referred to as such
An in person bro hug when we meet
Plus all previous rewards
0 подписчиков SubscribeStar $30.00 tier
USD в месяц
Best Bro For Lyfe
You're officially my Best Bro For Lyfe and will be referred to as such
Personalized video message
Nuance Bro Merchandise
30 minute skype/discord call to talk about anything
Plus all previous rewards
0 подписчиков SubscribeStar $200.00 tier
USD в месяц
You're officially my Sensei and will be referred to as such
I'll follow you on Twitter
You can have your name appear in the credits at the end of my videos
You can claim balla status
Plus all previous rewards
0 подписчиков SubscribeStar $1,000.00 tier
USD в месяц
Philosopher King
You're officially a fellow Philosopher King and will be referred to as such
If you're ever in my neck of the woods I will throw you and up to 4 people of your choice a pizza party where I will be making and cooking you and your friends custom pizzas in my wood/coal fired oven
You can claim super balla status
Plus all previous rewards
0 подписчиков SubscribeStar $5,000.00 tier
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2 подписчика
13 постов
до достижения этой Цели
Operational independence that will allow me to work on the channel full time and create more content
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