Free Julian Assange Live Stream: Cheers Warriors, Martyrs & Freedom Fighters, Lifting the Veil

- Salutations and Double Sound Fixed
- Julian Assange Set Free Just in Time for United States Elections: Dems Looking for Votes, Poke at Trump (4:43-6:00) 
- Cheers to a Free Julian Assange (6:11-7:15) 
- Just Chit-Chatting 
- Will WikiLeaks Start Publishing New Material Again Now That Julian Assange Is Free (11:58-13:56) 
- Julian Assange Awaken the Warrior in Many People, Courage Is Contagious: Freedom (14:32-15:41) 
- This Is What I Would Do To Celebrate My Freedom if I Was Julian Assange, To Start With Anyway (15:41-16:37) 
- Julian Assange Didn’t Want To Be a Martyr, but He Is a Freedom Fighter (16:41-18:03) 
- Today’s Snack: Pie and Feta Cheese, Julian Assange Freedom Food (18:09-19:17) 
- Sandman and Hellblazer, Comic Books 
- Julian Assange Had To Take the Plea Deal: I Would Have Folded Within Days, He Lasted Over 12 Years (25:03-26:17) 
- Catching Up With Julian Assange for the Last 24 Hours, June 24 to 25, 2024, and an Interview With Eric Levy (32:53-1:30:25) 
- What Advice I Would Give My 32 Year Old Self (1:30:27-1:35:21) 
- Our Best Wishes to Julian Assange & His Family: We Can’t Win Every Battle but We Are Winning the War (1:35:57-1:40:07) 
- After How Julian Assange Was Treated, No One Takes Western Governments nor Corporate Media Seriously Anymore (1:40:07-1:41:58) 
- Persecution of Julian Assange & His Plea Deal: Lifting the Veil on Centralized Power, New Decentralized Era Begins (1:41:59-1:47:09) 
- David McBride and Jerry Epstein: Low IQ Red Rats Reveal Themselves When They Parrot Centralized Power’s Lies (1:47:11-1:52:15) 

- WikiLeaks/Stella quote:
- WikiLeaks News:
- Comrade Misty is Putin’s Buddy on Eric Levy:
- WikiLeaks on Eric Levy:
- Stella Assange on Eric Levy:
- WikiLeaks on Eric Levy:
- Eric Levy pic used, "I Am Julian Assange":