Six Video Segments: Map Legend, Censorship, WW3, Israel’s Genocide, France and Ukraine Sacrificed by NATO in Proxy War on Russia

1) Updated Legend for Our "Mapping World Conflicts Map" Live Streams: Yellow = Civil Unrest
Video on Twitch:

2) When Governments Ban Platforms, Centralized Corporate Media Lies, Red Rats Turn Fascist: Censorship
Video on Twitch:

3) Lines Drawn in the Sand, Countries Taking Sides in the Buildup to World War 3: WW3, Collapse
Video on Twitch:

4) EU-Russian War: Israel’s Genocide in Gaza Has Derailed & Delayed NATO’s Attempts to Balkanize Russia
Video on Twitch:

5) France at War With Russia: Western Red Rats Still Think Everything Is Russia’s Fault & “Putin Bad”
Video on Twitch:

6) Ukrainian Nation & People Sacrificed by NATO As Pawns in Proxy War to Balkanize Russia [SEE LINKS]
Video on Twitch: