Welcome to the Official HaXxXo VtotheZ SubscribeStar page.

Here's a little about me...
I was born and raised in the Bronx, NYC and I've always loved music. I started making my own music on MTV's Music Generator 1 and various other platforms but after I was personally affected by the events on 9/11/01, I had to put my love for music on hold and joined the Marine Corps at 17. Once my first kid was born I decided to leave the military to focus on raising my spawn creature and got into modeling, DJ'ing at nightclubs, music production and eventually; content creation. At some point I was noticed by a few record labels and was almost in a movie once but none of those worked out in the long run so I went to college to get a BA in Psychology and a MA in Business Administration so that I could open and run my own production studio. Since then, I've built my OFFICIAL WEBSITE, been building my music studio, making new music, creating clothing designs for my clothing lines, making YouTube videos, live streaming and working on my AI bot assistant; HeXxXuS_Bot.
After losing my record deal, I understood that the only way for me to make this happen was to do it all without a label so I had to learn everything from production to marketing to merchandising all on my own. After observing a lot of other content creators, I wanted to make sure I had a way to give back to the people that have helped support my content throughout the years. I didn't want to be like all the other creators that only offered simple things like the supporters' name in the video credits so after a ton of testing, I created the "V^Z PROJECT"; a way for me to create content while also rewarding those who helped me along the way. The goal was to change the way that content creators reward their fans and interact with them by raising the bar of rewarding your supporters so that giving more than just the bare minimum to supporters becomes the norm.
For those who support the V^Z Project, things like early-access to content, yearly loot-crates, free music, free merch, exclusive discounts, behind-the-scenes looks, VIP seating at concerts, backstage passes and even something as small as playing video games with me regularly, being written into lore for role playing and so much more will be something that can be yours on top of all the normal crowdfunder rewards like your name in YouTube videos.
Think of it as more like an investment where the more you support, the more rewards you're entitled to and a promise from me that no matter how big I get, I will always acknowledge and thank you as a supporter with exclusive access and rewards unlike anything you have ever seen from any other Music Artist/Content Creator ever.
Think Justin Bieber will personally send you an email? Nope...
Wanna play video games with Kendrick Lamar? Not happening....
What about watching a movie with Dua Lipa? Definitely not...

That separation is what I'm trying to change. I'm not trying to be delusional and say that I'll ever get that big or anything. I'm just saying that I will never create that separation in the first place and will always be grateful and connected to those that have helped me throughout my journey.
The REWARDS I'm offering are not only more than anything else that I'VE personally ever seen but they also far outweigh their contributions. So by you gifting your support, you get more than what you get from any other creator PLUS the reward of knowing and being able to tell everyone else that you're a part of everything I do. Best of all, once I reach my goals, I plan to close off my FOUNDERS TIER and whether or not those subscribers continue to support me, all active subs at the point of closure would still get access to all the rewards they signed up for FOR LIFE. Crazy right? Everyone else would still have extended access to my content but those exclusive rewards that I offered while I was starting out would be exclusively for the biggest and earliest of supporters...the FOUNDERS. No matter what platform or level you choose, you are guaranteed to get more for your subscription than from any other content creator on any other platform.
So if you came here without first seeing all the different rewards I'm offering, make sure you check out the REWARDS page on my OFFICIAL WEBSITE before you choose which plan is best for you. If you're ready take that step to be a part of my journey and get more rewards than from any other content creator then hit that subscribe button and become a part of the V^Z Project.
Stay Awesome,
- HaXxXo VtotheZ