Is BOTSENTINEL CEO Christopher Bouzy The Brookings Institution's Private Internet Super Troll?

Bot Sentinel claims to be a non-partisan platform that tracks and classifies all Twitter accounts and adds them to a publicly available database that anyone can browse. But how can individuals authenticate information published by Bot Sentinel or classifications it imposes on other Twitter users? I had a phone call with Bot Sentinel CEO Christopher Bouzy immediately after he began a public smear campaign against me and Crowdsource the Truth. Bouzy knowingly spread false information, amplifying messages from likely inauthentic accounts with the deliberate intention to harm me. Even after being notified with a demand to cease and desist, Bouzy continued to maliciously spread lies while he simultaneously took steps to hide this video. This is the very same activity he claims his company is intended to curb. Can anything Chris Bouzy or Bot Sentinel publish be trusted?

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