5G & Covid19 Link? 5G Doesnt Cause CoV19!

"5G disrupts oxygenation of hemoglobin in the blood" and therefore is the cause of all CoV deaths" - dana Ashlie

  5G does not cause the lungs to fill with fluid as covid19 does, nor is it the cause in rural cases without 5G present.

This myth, as far I know, came from religiouzealous fundamentalist "Nibiru end times" christian "truther" dana ashlie who went mad viral because nobody thinks critically, nobody EVER EVER EVER pressed them for evidence and research to prove claims, and she literally provided no research in that video, only flashed a few screenshots of news headlines and misrepresented any references shown, (just the headlines, as most people do, no citations)  that aint science nor evidence, folks, and most of that video was just incorrect speculation and conjectural hearsay, Just like the Nibiru and end times tribulation bs that accompanies it.

This is the poor level of research we get from the fundamentalist end times community.   
60ghz SATURATES oxygen molecules with EM radiation, but theres no reason to believe the entirely unsubstantiated claim it prevents hemoglobin from carrying oxygen in the body.

theres zero basis for this claim, and yet everyone repeats the myth, and did ANYONE bother to ask truthers for evidence and citations for claims made?? NOPE. Of course not.

This is pretty much the best of the source material I could find for that claim, and it's utter nonsense! Read the study and it NEVER SUGGESTS 60 ghz even having relation to its bioeffects, let alone the hemoglobin of blood, because nobody has tested that as far as I can find.

But guess what, he's got anti 5G trinkets to sell you though!

its almost as if we still are not learning anything that Im trying to show people about critical thinking in health science by demanding evidence for claims, especially when the conspiracy community is fabricating fake stories so they can sell you bullshit.

Another source of this myth is
from Dr Sircus. Yes, it really is a clown show out here today.

You will also find that he is selling you products and services and cites ZERO EVIDENCE OR REFRENCES for any of these claims! He actually cites
DANA ASHLIE'S YOUTUBE VIDEO as the evidence for his claims, and her video cites HIM and these other sites as the evidence! It's a myth of hearsay based on somebody making it up!

I made video the other day showing how much Dana Ashlie is identical to the actress in the Event 201 coronavirus pandemic drill ran in Oct by the Bill & melinda Gates Foundation along with the Johnny Hopkins Center, wherein they deliberately and explicitly had a whole video segment dedicated to SHUTTING DOWN THE INTERNET AND SOCIAL MEDIA DURING PANDEMICS TO STOP THE SPREAD OF DISINFO, wherein the actress, again, is identical to Dana Ashlie, who spread this misinfo about 5G causing covid19. Isn't that a strange Q-incidence??

As always, the religiozealous fundamentalists  ALWAYS manage to stir up chaos by putting the FEAR OF GOD into the hearts of men! They are feeding you fabricated bullshit fearporn like Nibiru and twin suns conspiracies, Hell, even one of my page followers warned me the ASTEROID WAS GOING TO HIT LAST WEEK which is what the virus was meant to be a cover for! -____-

They are using your ignorants against yourself. They are stirring up fear to make the truth community look like nutcases so they can legitimately roll in the projects unabated since end times fearmongers keep crying wolf every other day.

Lets see how "intuition tho" and "my personal experience tho" can prove this. Provide me the proof of claim that this happens and I will correct my stance.

Until then, stop making this claim. I highly recommend actually WATCHING the 3 hr film I made about what good research and evidence is, how you should know all this by now. "What I've Learned From the Ex Vegan Carnivore Debate: WHY EVIDENCE MATTERS!"

@Liftingtheveilofficial is now on all social media. full video presentations and articles can be found at
https://buff.ly/2IjLm1S for full #esoteric films, research articles, livestreams, lessons and mind blowing content on theology, mythology, #etymology and #language, #symbolism, science, #biology, #health and so much more! SEE YOU SOON! MUCH LOVE, PEACE AND #WISDOM!