Welcome to the World of Crytures!

The world of Crytures is a land of vast, uncharted wilderness, filled with alien landscapes, ancient ruins, and populated by dangerous magical beasts of all shapes and sizes. Human civilization is sparse, but constantly fighting to explore and expand.
The wilds are saturated with magical energies, which have drastically altered animals from the familiar forms of our world, giving rise to the beings known as Crytures. Humans have survived and thrived by learning to capture these beasts in magic crystals, and use them to protect their homes from the deadly wilderness. Under the stewardship of humans, Crytures use their power to build up civilization, forge magical artifacts, and protect their new homes from the dangerous wilderness.
You can find more info on the game over here on the wiki!
Here are all the digital files you'll need to run your first game of Crytures! This little package includes the basic rules, an adventure module for beginners, four pre-made characters, rules for character creation, a listing of basic items, five battle maps, and 19 tokens!