Four Short Video Segments Related to Canada's Trucker Freedom Convoy 

1) GoFundMe & Stealing Canada's Truckers for Freedom Convoy Money: GoFundMe Can Kiss My Ass [ASMR]
Video on CensorTube: Video not available on CensorTube. 

2) Trucker Freedom Convoy Rally in Canada: Lots of Healing to Do & Holding Power Accountable [ASMR]
Video on CensorTube: Video not available on CensorTube.

3) Fascists Calling Those That Oppose Fascism Fascist: Trudeau Attacking Canada's Trucker Convoy
Video on CensorTube: Video not available on CensorTube.

4) Trudeau is the Definition of a Traitor to a Nation, Agent of Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum
Video on Rumble:
Video on Odysee:
Video on CensorTube: Video not available on CensorTube.