Five Short Video Segments: Germany & Russia, Deindustrialization, Italy, United States & Canada and Modern-Day Brownshirts

1) Germany & Russia, Prevented from Becoming Partners by Globalists: Collapse of Germany
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2) Deindustrialization of Germany, Collapsing the Economy: Here is How the Globalists Did It
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3) Italy’s New Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, Demonized as a Fascist by Western Liberal Media
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4) Giorgia Meloni's "Fascism" In Italy vs. Textbook Fascism In the United States and Canada
Video on Odysee:
Video on CensorTube: Video not available on CensorTube.

5) Modern-Day Brownshirts: Liberal Leftoid Globalists
Video on Rumble:
Video on Odysee:
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