Raiklin profile
Lawyer/former Green Beret commander
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Títulos de Assinatura

por mês
Precinct Patriot

Micro local grass roots patriot that understands the founding of our nation and supports our nation.

Assinaturas limitadas (0 de 99999)
por mês
County Patriot

One of 3107 county patriots

Assinaturas limitadas (0 de 3143)
por mês
State Patriot

There are 7383 State Legislators in the 50 US States divided up as either members of the State House (5411) or State Senate (1972).

Assinaturas limitadas (0 de 7383)
por mês
Federal-National Patriot

Show the Country how to defend the nation from constitutional Violations perpetrated by the 535 US Congress members, the former Failed Vice President, and the 9 justices of the US SCOTUS (9)=545

Assinaturas limitadas (0 de 545)


  • Learn how to defend the US Constitution and our way of life from enemies foreign and domestic!


0 publicação


$0.00 of $100,000
per month
Plan, organize, train and equip teams to conduct audits and hearings across multiple states to remedy the Constitutional violations in the 2020 federal elections.

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