Shin Gan Dojo profile
Shin Gan Dojo
Shin Gan Dojo
Self defense is an innate God-given right. The ability to protect ones life is fundamental. We help you enhance your ability in this area by teaching you martial arts skills to help you survive a deadly encounter.
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  • Asayama Ichiden Ryu is a traditional Japanese Jujutsu. Shin Gan Dojo teaches this art as close to the original system as possible – honoring the tradition and teachings in its direct lineage as it was passed down to us from Sato Kinbei to Shoto Tanemura to Chadwick Minge to Brian Simmons. This series includes the first 4 techniques of the Jodan no Kurai from Asayama Ichiden Ryu Densho. We will be adding the remaining techniques once quarantine restrictions are lifted..

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