ShouldISmokeThis profile
THANK YOU for supporting what I do by signing up here on SubscribeStar! Without your pledge, I wouldn't be able to put the amount of time into my content that I do. Know that EACH OF YOU IS VERY MUCH APPRECIATED! Should I Smoke This on YouTube, originally home of the Internet's ONLY 60-second cigar review, is now SO MUCH MORE!! In addition to continuing to bring cigar lovers the ABSOLUTE BEST reviews that YouTube has to offer (in both 60-second AND full versions for each stick), I now bring you: -Talking Cigars -History of the Brand -Monthly Livestream and more! I'm happy to be able to use my rewards tiers to GIVE BACK to all of you who are helping me keep the channel alive! Again, THANK YOU!

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75 subscribers
1474 posts


to reach
ONCE THIS GOAL IS FULFILLED, I'll be able to BRING BACK SOME OF THE SEGMENTS YOU ALL MISS: History of the Brand, Cigar War episodes, Talking Cigars and hopefully even some interviews (via industry guests on my podcast)! Achieving this goal means that I can prioritize Should I Smoke This again. Interested?

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