skyheartDemon profile
YouTube Partner/Twitch Affiliate/ DailyMotionPartner 🅵🅰🅲🆃🆂29|INTP|ADHD|Gamer|Otaku|Female|Hermit

Планы подписки

в месяц
Ghost 👻

$1 Lowest Tier

🖼️ Custom Channel Picture: I make you a customized channel picture to use however you wish. custom channel pictures can be viewed on my Instagram

💳Discord VIP: given VIP on my discord. access to special privileges and secret channels

💕Donors&Patrons wall: you get added to my Donors&Patrons section, which can be seen here:

🔖Free Shipping On Merch: Free Shipping (US) for my merchandise on Teespring!

📻Request Music: Can request what songs to play during my music streams.

🆕🖥️Hub Portal: convenient quick and easy access to claim tier-based benefits (password protected no sign up needed and mobile-friendly!) Includes Discord benefits

в месяц
Imp 😈 $5

$5 Get's you all the previous tiers benefits and MORE!

💻 Behind The Scenes: watch me and talk to me as i make edits and work on upcoming videos before anyone else sees them.

➕Bonus content: extra patron-only content. and uncut content.

📣ShoutOuts!: A shout out video will be made linking back to your channel or whatever social media of your choice

🔧Moderator: Automatically made a moderator on my YouTube channel and all other streaming and social platforms. (VIP for twitch though)

🦅Space Marine: A space marine in my Warframe factions

🆕 🌇 My secret Profiles: You get access to all my private social profiles on the internet.

в месяц
Succubi 💗 $10

$10 Get's you all the previous tiers benefits and MORE!

✏️My Drawings: You get access to personal drawings I have made!

🏁Channel Banners: Banners for your twitch and youtube and as many as you want

🖻Thumbnails: I make thumbnails for your videos. just check out my Instagram to see examples

🌌Cosmic Profile: Message me on my social media for details,

🆕🎞️Intros Videos: I make you video intros like this

в месяц
Silky 💖 $20

$20 Get's you all the previous tiers benefits and MORE! 😲

🎮Patron Choice: I'll stream a game YOU WANT ME TO PLAY, even if it's a game I normally would not play. (excludesXboxOne) (NOTE: It's a monthly request and it's for one stream not till completion, to keep playing a game i don't want to play you must redeem this via requesting it in discord messages)

📝Unpublished Writings: My personal writings and stories I came up with that I have not released or shown anyone x.x omg

📱My Cellphone number: My actual cellular phone number o.o GASPS! My family don't even have my phone number!

📓Vlogs: Video diaries, my thoughts, etc

📹Recordings When I'm Out: When I go out somewhere you will get to see! Like if go to a theme park i'll record it.

в месяц
Mandrake 🌺 $30

$30 Get's you all the previous tiers benefits. ⚠️Once slots are full that's it!⚠️

🎬Edit your videos: you send me your unedited videos via [email protected] and I'll edit them for you at my leisure.

🆕🐦Tweet Uploads: I automatically tweet your latest public youtube uploads on my twitter (@skyheartDemon)

Лимитировано (0 из 2) подписчиков
в месяц
Alraune 🌸

$150 Get's you all the previous tiers benefits and MORE!

📦Nifty Gifties: Kind of like a loot crate. Who knows what you will get. (Includes 1 official random Merch Item Per box)

🆕 🌸🅰🅻🆁🅰🆄🅽🅴🌸 Discord Role: A unique role in the discord server giving you access to absolutely EVERYTHING.

Лимитировано (0 из 1) подписчика


  • Link to all my social medias:
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