This is a Star Wars "animated" short film made in the Jedi Academy Mod called Movie Duels and is considered a Machinima. The story is based on the Star Wars Marvel (1977) Comic series, issue 81 which is where the story of Boba Fett's escape from the sarlacc is first seen which was in a comic released in 1983. There are a few things we added to the original story which would make it a bit longer and would only add to the story of how Boba ended up on the Jawas sandcrawler and had short term memory loss after all the fighting and the injuries. We hope you enjoy our first Star Wars Expanded Universe based short film as it took us many months to get it made with over 360 different files being used to put it together. We plan on making more EU based content like this, so please consider supporting us on Patreon and all the rest of the platforms linked bellow as it's been very hard lately making a living on YouTube and we would love to do more stories like this. To our very few Patrons and hopefully more to come to keep us going, if you want we will send you a digital copy of this short film and all the ones to come. Thanks for all the support and God bless you guys!