ADAPT 2030 profile
ADAPT 2030
ADAPT 2030
Focusing on shifts in food, climate and economy around our planet because of a more powerful 400-year low in solar activity now effecting crop production. I present this information so you can keep your families prepared and ahead of change happening now.
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$10 Tier

Your support of this podcast and video series helps keep ADAPT 2030 on air and bringing you more information on the intensifying Grand Solar Minimum so you can protect yourself and your family. Thank You

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Your support of this podcast and video series helps keep ADAPT 2030 on air and bringing you more information on the intensifying Grand Solar Minimum so you can protect yourself and your family. Thank You

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$20 Tier

Your support of this podcast and video series helps keep ADAPT 2030 on air and bringing you more information on the intensifying Grand Solar Minimum so you can protect yourself and your family. Thank You

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Your support of this podcast and video series helps keep ADAPT 2030 on air and bringing you more information on the intensifying Grand Solar Minimum so you can protect yourself and your family. Thank You

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Your support of this podcast and video series helps keep ADAPT 2030 on air and bringing you more information on the intensifying Grand Solar Minimum so you can protect yourself and your family. Thank You

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Your support of this podcast and video series helps keep ADAPT 2030 on air and bringing you more information on the intensifying Grand Solar Minimum so you can protect yourself and your family. Thank You

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Your support of this podcast and video series helps keep ADAPT 2030 on air and bringing you more information on the intensifying Grand Solar Minimum so you can protect yourself and your family. Thank You

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Your support of this podcast and video series helps keep ADAPT 2030 on air and bringing you more information on the intensifying Grand Solar Minimum so you can protect yourself and your family. Thank You

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Bem vinda

  • ADAPT 2030 videos and podcast connecting the economy, food prices and politics to the emerging Grand Solar Minimum to explain changes in our societies.
  • Videos explaining the sudden shift in our world
  • Commentary on how civilizations shifted in prior cycles

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ADAPT 2030

Summer of Boiling as More Laws Being Made to Constrict LifeAs the summer of boiling begins messag...

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