Agostino Taumaturgo profile
Agostino Taumaturgo
Agostino Taumaturgo
Magic, Occultism, and Religion

Планы подписки

в месяц
Monthy Wednesday Intentions

Perk: One Mass per Month, Wednesday Collected Intentions.

в месяц
Monthly Personal Intentions

Perk: One Mass per Month, for your personal intentions only.

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Mass Intentions Every Week on Wednesdays

Perk: Your intentions will be offered up every week in Wednesday's Mass for collected intentions.

в месяц
Your Personal Intentions Every Week

Perk: Your intentions will be offered up every week in a Mass for your intentions, just your intentions, and nobody else's.

в месяц
One One-Hour Consultation Every Month

Perk: We can have a monthly chat face-to-face, whether for counseling, a sounding board, furthering your spiritual practice, whatever you need to talk about.

в месяц
Monthly Consultation + Weekly Intentions

Perk: This is a combination of the previous two tiers, where we can chat monthly, AND your intentions (and only our intentions) are offered up at daily Mass each week.



  • I write books and present information about the occult aspects of pre-Vatican II Catholicism.
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Agostino Taumaturgo

What Preaching Looks Like When the World Isn’t Watching

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