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Altered Games
Altered Games
Tabletop game creation studio.
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Altered Games
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Map of the stars for an upcoming project (very early stage). A general map of the stellar neighborhood within a radius of 20 light years from the Sun including +100 stars, white dwarfs, and brown dwarfs - except for Vega which is 25 light years away, however, it was included because it is important to the setting.

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Altered Games
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Greetings everyone!

For those who are wondering how Urban Rune is different from the SRD 5.1. Here's a quick brief of what you can find in Urban Rune Basic Rules released this month. These changes reflect the low fantasy and low magic of the setting.

1. Species
- Dark vision is replaced by night vision, infrared vision, or ultraviolet vision.

2. Classes
- There are 5 basic classes (Envoy, Fighter, Mage, Rogue, and Street Druid).
- The Fighter and the Rogue classes were adapted to fit a modern campaign.
- The Mage and the Street Druid classes are half casters versions of the Wizard and the Druid from SRD 5.1.
- The Envoy is a Charisma-based class without spellcasting.

3. Feats
- More than 40 feats.

4. Equipment
- Modern armor (Light, Medium, Heavy, and Powered), firearms, explosives, and vehicles (automobiles, watercraft, and aircraft).

5. Spellcasting
- Spells cap at 5th level.
- Technomancy spells.

6. Monsters
- We recommend to check out our new dragon features.

7. Miscellaneous
- Exhaustion imposes a penalty, following the more recent rules.
- Modern magic items and artifacts derived from folklore and mythology.
- New skills, modern traps, hazards, etc...

Check out Urban Rune basic rules right now (it's free!). We hope you enjoy our work.

See you next time!

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Altered Games
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Our goal at Altered Games is to deliver fun content to our readers. As a welcome gift, we'd like to share our first game - Urban Rune - an urban fantasy/science fantasy campaign setting compatible with SRD 5.1. If you like our work, consider becoming a subscriber. Your donation will help us deliver more professional and quality content. 

Thank you very much!
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