Amberchrome's Comics Kitchen profile
Amberchrome's Comics Kitchen
Amberchrome's Comics Kitchen
Canadian. Cartoonist, comics artist and Illustrator. Drinks too much pop.
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Amberchrome's Comics Kitchen
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3Machines Book 1 Part 17

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Amberchrome's Comics Kitchen
Public post

3Machines Book 1: The Hardest Ride Home

Hello World! First post is the start of 3Machines, my newest comic, but first... I'll tell you a bit about myself. I live somewhere in the eastern far north, land of potash and potatoes. And lobsters, lots of lobsters. OK, that's enough biography. Here's the cover!

Now here's the pitch. I'll keep it brief, OK? "That Saturday morning vibe is back... with afterburners, turbochargers, and NO executive meddling!" You can discover the rest on your own. 

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