Black Shepherd Games profile
Black Shepherd Games
Black Shepherd Games
Independent Video Game Developers
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Any help along our journey is greatly appreciated! In return you’ll receive regular audio/written project updates of what we’re working on.

SubscribeStar Shepherd
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Bronze Shepherd

In addition to the exclusive updates of our projects, receive Bronze-level Discord server access including behind-the-scene photos, artwork, and pictures of our mascot, Calamity.

SubscribeStar Bronze
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Silver Shepherd (20% Off)

Give us input! Receive exclusive access to our private Discord App voice chat servers and chat directly with us during our private Discord streams and whenever we feel like dropping in to converse. Includes updates and behind-the-scenes material from previous tiers.

SubscribeStar Silver
USD mensal
Golden Shepherd (20% Off)

In addition to the updates and Discord App server access, we’ll also invite you to participate with us on a monthly group Q&A live streams and hangouts. You’ll also receive access to additional Discord App Channels behind our server, which will include monthly builds of our work.

SubscribeStar Gold
USD mensal
Platinum Shepherd (20% Off)

On top of all the above rewards, we’ll invite you to a solo, full-hour (usually longer) private video recording once a month. Want to join us in a commentary while we play your favorite game on Twitch? Want to chat about the news, or just hang out? Want to plug your own creative work? We can work something out!

SubscribeStar Platinum


  • Black Shepherd Games is making video games and gaming videos
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Black Shepherd Games

Because we're TOTALLY not working on the game

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