Book Furnace profile
Book Furnace
Book Furnace
Science-Fiction writer, reader, and reviewer.

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Asimov's high-school essay

Everybody is welcome, rich and poor alike!

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Isaac Asimov approves.

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Foundation and Empire

Isaac Asimov approves very much.

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Second Foundation

Isaac Asimov approves wholeheartedly.

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I, Robot

Isaac Asimov's heart is overwhelmed with approval.

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The End of Eternity

Reality itself begins to bend around you as you attract immense amounts of gratitude.

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The Gods Themselves

You create all that is, all that was and all that will be. You see into the future and into the past as through clear glass. Things taking shape, coming into being or waning out of existence are a mere extension of your benevolent will, its reflection in the mirror of reality.

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Book Furnace
Public post

BIG NEWS & FREEBIES: I'm done with another big round of edits for my Science-Fiction/Dystopian novel. I've been working on it since 2018, but I'm now committed to publishing it in 2025, aiming for July.

As a teaser, the novel is set in a world of absolute empathy, where punching another human being would get the assailant a bruise, and where stepping on an ant might leave one crippled or worse.

More details about the book are coming up in my next videos on the BookFurnace channel, but here's a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT:

Up to the first 1000 subscribers (even free-tier) will get a free e-book of my novel when it's released.

For those most motivated — if you'd like to receive an Advance Review Copy before the book comes out — let me know, perhaps we can arrange it :)

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