CentaurWorks profile
I have been creating for over 10+ years and continue to try to improve myself. My focus is mainly on Merfolk/Mermaids, Original Characters, and making beautiful scenery. I am always willing to experiment and try out something new and different as well.

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February & March (2025) Monthly Update 

January felt like such a long month, like 3 or 4 months into one, February has not been as slow and in fact has had it’s own set of challenges. Because of that, I’m lumping in both months! 🎉

Server Update
I’ve added a new role to server dedicated to Live Stream notifications. I’ve been ramping up on them and felt it would be best to separate them a bit more since I know some people are more interested in those. Check out “Channels and Roles” and select “I want to keep up with Livestreams.”

OC Update (Month of OCs bad news)
I’ve decided to cancel Month of OCs again, but this time move the theme to a different month. I’ve realized that with what I’ve been given, I do not have the time nor energy to keep up with it this year. Next year might be better and I’ll start chipping away to make it easier for 2026.
Apologies but here’s hoping to start up again sometime in the future.

Socials Update
OK! With everything that has happened in 2025 already, I’m taking a BIG shot against Meta and winding things back there even more. As well as some socials that aren’t getting as much love. So here’s the plan going forward:
As of this month, Treads will be put on ice. There has been absolutely no growth and not even a drop in followers. For this and other reasons, I'm no longer posting on that social. It could have been much more but it squandered itself.
The modern-day Craigslist social will be more focused on updates and any markets I'm participating in. More or less linking to art rather than posting if possible.
It seems like Instagram is thriving but I still lack a lot of faith for the Meta company in general. So there will be a format for this that will be more focused on smaller elements with prompts to go elsewhere. As it seems to be growing, that might be the best outcome.
YouTube Community
I feel bad for doing a poor job on keeping up with this tbh. Without an easy way of connecting to it’s API, it's much harder to keep up with posting. I'll most likely have to plan out more scheduling of posts but I do want to keep up with it.
There are of course other sites but the case for those is similar to YT Community, struggle to add those to them without an easy way to schedule everything. I do hope to keep up with those in the future but at this time it’s become much harder than anticipated. Sites like Sheezy.art and Cara I’m hoping to return to in the future if possible and especially VGen.

Merch Update (+ Upcoming Cons and Markets)
These conventions have been teaching me much more about my merch and how to sell them, as such I’ve been expanding what I’ve been able to do at my studio with one final piece of the puzzle eventually coming. Right now I’m hoping to create sticker sheets based on fan artworks in the past as well as general at-home stickers. There are more ideas especially with a new lamination machine, but for now this is the step in the right direction.
So, here is the current schedule for cons and markets:

  • Syracuse Collector’s Con - NYS Fairgrounds(Center of Progress Building)|Syracuse, NY - 03/29&30 @ 10am-5pm
  • Freak Out Market - Three Heads Brewing|Rochester, NY - 04/13 @ 12pm-4pm

I’m still applying to more cons and markets so here's hoping to be able to go to more!

IRL Update (affects everything)
Some good news is that I've gained a new position at my Remote Part-time job, it’s one that I like a lot more so I’m excited about this! This is not only more hourly pay, but also longer hours. Which leads into a big thing.
Because of the new position, my hours have shrunken even more! Art has already taken a big hit and I think streams is going to be hit even more. As of right now, there was a stream but has begun getting more and more delayed as time goes on. And now might as well start getting cancelled. It sucks but that’s the hardest part of adulting, at least right now. I am hoping to do some bigger streams later on but at this time, that’s the main plan.
Outside of those, I’m trying to do more conventions to keep up with the art-side, with a few confirmed for this spring I’m looking forward to, will update as we get closer to those dates.
I will say that as I’m typing this, we ended up losing power at the home due to a combination of ice and snow affecting the powerlines. So it’s looking like a UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) might be in the future, since so much of what I do relies on tech that with it down it affects so much. Luckily I was able to get both a UPS and trouble-shoot an issue with the ethernet at the very least.
Time Management is also something I need to work on. Right now, I am behind on the February post so had to combine March, as well as a flood of commissions (A good problem to have tho). I have been prioritizing hanging out and bonding a bit more with everything going on, but it has hurt a lot of other aspects. That’s something I’m going to try to get better at the very least.
It especially is the case as art took a massive hit production-wise. From weekly to monthly posts outside of the commissions posted this month. A lot of what I’m doing is to at least build up a stable platform for art to succeed more, I also understand that my lack of advertising myself has hurt me a bit especially since I rely on comms mostly to keep the art business-side afloat. Short-form is still strong so that will be needed, just want to adjust the frame first and then start working on them.

It’s definitely a different and weird time at the very least but I’m hoping to hold on as much as possible. Already this year has had more challenges than expected but I’m trying to stay vigalent at the very least during all of this. It’s one of the reasons why I'm pushing for at least Monthly Supporters more. Even tho February is almost over, I’m just glad I was able to inform you guys what’s going on. Here’s hoping I can get March’s out at a reasonable time! XD

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[COMM] The Slithery Maid

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[COMM] A Shy Waltz

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