ChristCenteredGamer profile
Game reviews from a Christian perspective
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Five dollars

Thank you for your support! You'll have a special discord rank on our server. A digital copy of Break-Out The Bible will be sent your way.

Site members of this tier will be granted access to a private forum where they can pick a game for us to review. The games to be chosen will follow these 3 rules:

Rule #1 - Just because a review is reader sponsored, doesn't mean that it will get better treatment or a biased score. The same moral/game score reviewing practices will be implemented. The game will be placed on our review queue and treated the same as a developer sent copy

Rule #2 - No AO rated or pornography/hentai games

Rule #3 - If a physical copy of the game is available it will be given away to the patreon backers after the review goes live. Digital copies/codes are still welcome.

3 assinantes SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
USD mensal
Ten dollars

Thank you for your support! You'll have a special discord rank. A CCG bumper sticker will also be sent your way!

Private forum access to vote on games to review.

1 assinante SubscribeStar $10.00 tier
USD mensal
Twenty five dollars

Thank you for your support! You'll have a special discord rank. A digital copy of Break-Out The Bible will be sent your way.

Private forum access to vote on games to review.

A CCG Tshirt! Let us know what size and where to send it.

1 assinante SubscribeStar $25.00 tier

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  • Thanks for checking out our shiny new Subscriber Star page! We're hoping to cover our expenses for writing quality reviews with separate game and moral scores. By supporting this ministry you'll get access to exclusive game giveaways, a SubscribeStar discord role, and knowing that you're supporting a worthwhile cause! As a 501 (c) (3) non-profit your contributions are tax deductible!

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from 31 dez, 2024

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