Daren Gillingham profile
Daren Gillingham
Daren Gillingham
Science fiction and fantasy writer releasing early access to my books.
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Sword Sage

A master of the blade, none are your match. Get early access to books as I develop them. Keep in mind content may be rougher than release version. Your support is deeply appreciated.

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Master Of The Arcane

The forces of the universe bend to your will. Get early access to books as I develop them. Keep in mind content may be rougher than release version. Your support is deeply appreciated. (This tier has the same benefits as Sword Sage and is just for those who want to support me more.)

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Legendary Hero

Tales abound about your exploits. A hero to the people. Your reputation proceeds you, hero. Get early access to books as I develop them. Keep in mind content may be rougher than release version. Your support is deeply appreciated. (This tier has the same benefits as Sword Sage and is just for those who want to support me more.)

USD mensal

Your bloodline carries the strength of the divine. No mortal is your match. The masses venerate your power. Get early access to books as I develop them. Keep in mind content may be rougher than release version. Your support is deeply appreciated. (This tier has the same benefits as Sword Sage and is just for those who want to support me more.)

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Cosmic Entity

Tales abound about your exploits. A hero to the people. Your reputation proceeds you, hero. Get early access to books as I develop them. Keep in mind content may be rougher than release version. Your support is deeply appreciated. (This tier has the same benefits as Sword Sage and is just for those who want to support me more.)



  • Early access to books as I work on them. They may be rougher than final versions.
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Daren Gillingham

Chapter 21 - Hidden Dragon - Behind The Scenes Of Dragon's Heart (PoD Book 2)

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Daren Gillingham

Chapter 18 - The Dragon - Behind The Scenes Of Dragon's Heart (PoD Book 2)

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Daren Gillingham

Chapter 9 - Bloodfeather Arena - Behind The Scenes Of Dragon's Heart (PoD Book 2)

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Daren Gillingham

Chapter 2 - The Grove - Behind The Scenes Of Dragon's Heart (PoD Book 2)

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Daren Gillingham

Bonus Short Story: The Waterlord - Dragon's Heart POD Book 2

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Daren Gillingham

Dragon's Pride - Chapter 28 - Dragon's Heart POD Book 2

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