Err Arachnica profile
Err Arachnica
Err Arachnica
name a creative skill, and i either know it or can learn it very quickly. video games. writing.TTRPG. audio. art. whatever else i see fit to make.
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Err Arachnica

i can count on one hand the needed final steps before the book is done. I've decided to go with publishing it under a new penname though for a lot of reasons. not the least of those, is that a presidential assassination attempt just occurred and the violence meter on the culture war just got cranked to "YES", so i should probably sort my publishing activities out a little safer.

i will still use this penname and account for videogame projects and non-book related activities and such but, as I've said until i get a new machine purchased, my ability to make videogames is limited.

till then, irl i have to jobhunt, get this book and avoid the starvation going on in canada until i can buy new machines. i might or might not do the 3D printing business route.

so yeah, that's the clusterfuck. trudeu should be shot. its his fault everyone here is so poor and starving. wish me luck.

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Err Arachnica
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the rough draft of the book is fucking done. the polishing steps can now start. updates will be posted to the subscribestar on this a month in advance, and i'm sure the road to getting it self-published will be an adventure for all involved
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3D printer purchase. would result in that being an arm of the business, merchandise creation, and branching off into topics like tabletop miniatures.
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a new computer. mine is too outdated to keep up with proper game development.

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