Mind and Magick profile
Mind and Magick
Mind and Magick
Frater Xavier creates video content specializing in Hermeticism, Western Ceremonial Magick, Philosophy and the Occult.

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The Outer Circle

Welcome to the Outer Circle where you have MYSTERY SCHOOL EARLY ACCESS!

See the latest Mystery School videos before anyone else!

Early access to Mystery School videos Ads removed from early access videos until released on YouTube

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The Inner Circle

Welcome to the Inner Circle where you have access to THOTH LIFE EXCLUSIVES: (Frater Xavier's personal perspective on current events & more!)

Access to exclusive Thoth LIfe videos (1 monthly) Early Access to Occult In Plain Sight videos before Youtube (No min. or max.)


Early access to Mystery School videos Ads removed from early access videos until released on YouTube

USD в месяц
Adeptus Minor

Welcome to Adeptus Minor where you'll get YOUR NAME IN VIDEO CREDITS.

Name in the end credits of regular videos (Mystery School, Mailbags, Occult in Plain Sight, Thoth Life) Name will appear as listed in Patron records. Discount codes to Mind and Magick Programs and Merchandise. (monthly)


Access to exclusive Thoth LIfe videos (1 monthly) Early Access to Occult In Plain Sight videos before Youtube (No min. or max.) Early access to Mystery School videos Ads removed from early access videos until released on YouTube

USD в месяц
Adeptus Major

Welcome to Adeptus Major where you'll HAVE YOUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL FEATURED on the Mind and Magick YouTube main page! This way, Mind and Magick viewers can view your channel too!

Your Youtube Channel will be a featured channel on the Mind and Magick Youtube channel. (Added weekly. PM channel name and allow time to be activated)


Name in the end credits of regular videos (Mystery School, Mailbags, Occult in Plain Sight, Thoth Life) Name will appear as listed in Patron records. Discount codes to Mind and Magick Programs and Merchandise. (monthly) Access to exclusive Thoth LIfe videos (1 monthly) Early Access to Occult In Plain Sight videos before Youtube (No min. or max.) Early access to Mystery School videos Ads removed from early access videos until released on YouTube

USD в месяц
Adeptus Exemptus

Welcome to Adeptus Exemptus where you'll receive a PERSONAL SHOUTOUT FROM FRATER XAVIER in a Mystery School video.

A personal shoutout to you from Frater Xavier in a Mystery School video thank you for your overwhelming support. (monthly)


Your Youtube Channel will be a featured channel on the Mind and Magick Youtube channel. (Added weekly. PM channel name and allow time to be activated) Name in the end credits of regular videos (Mystery School, Mailbags, Occult in Plain Sight, Thoth Life) Name will appear as listed in Patron records. Discount codes to Mind and Magick Programs and Merchandise. (monthly) Access to exclusive Thoth LIfe videos (1 monthly) Early Access to Occult In Plain Sight videos before Youtube (No min. or max.) Early access to Mystery School videos Ads removed from early access videos until released on YouTube

USD в месяц

Welcome to Godform where you'll receive YOUR NAME BLESSED in a ceremonial ritual. (monthly)

A monthly ceremonial ritual will be performed in which the names in this tier will be read and blessed by Frater Xavier personally.


A personal shoutout to you from Frater Xavier in a Mystery School video. (monthly) Your Youtube Channel will be a featured channel on the Mind and Magick Youtube channel. (Added weekly. PM channel name and allow time to be activated) Name in the end credits of regular videos (Mystery School, Mailbags, Occult in Plain Sight, Thoth Life) Name will appear as listed in Patron records. Discount codes to Mind and Magick Programs and Merchandise. (monthly) Access to exclusive Thoth LIfe videos (1 monthly) Early Access to Occult In Plain Sight videos before Youtube (No min. or max.) Early access to Mystery School videos Ads removed from early access videos until released on YouTube

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  • Early Access to Mystery School videos and Exclusive "Thoth Life " videos
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