Geomancy Games profile
Geomancy Games
Geomancy Games - Small youtuber! I talk politics and make video game compilations. Single father looking to grow an audience!
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Títulos de Assinatura

por mês
Level 1 Rogue

You will have my gratitude for your support!

0 assinantes
por mês
Level 5 Fighter

You will have my utmost gratitude!

1 assinante
por mês
Level 25 Ranger

I will add your name at the end of my weekly Retro Review videos!

0 assinantes
por mês
Level 50 Savior

I'm.. not sure anybody will ever pick this tier, but if you do - I'll personally thank you at the end of my weekly Retro Review videos for your support.

You will be someone who will help me grow and continue to support MY savior - Jordan.

0 assinantes

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Geomancy Games
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The Stalemate in the house IS GOOD. WE NEED TO ALL TALK.
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