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For the first time in history, the actual poems attributed to Morrigan are performed on the screen. This is what independent film is about.

Source: UCC CELT Irish archives.

Translation: Isolde ÓBrolcháin Carmody

Notes: “Cath Maige Tuired: The Second Battle of Mag Tuired. The poems are in a form called rosc or roscaid.  This is a very archaic, non-metrical, non-rhyming form 
of poetry which may date back further than our written record of the Irish language.  Its most consistent feature 
is connective alliteration, where the word or words at the end of one line alliterate with the word or words at the beginning of the next line.  This forms a kind of conceptual chain, where the image of one line is shifted to produce the image of the following line.  Rosc can be notoriously difficult to translate, as there is a scarcity of verbs, a lax attitude to syntax and many archaic and obscure words preserved in the poetic form.”

 - Isolde ÓBrolcháin Carmody
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