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Producing Videos On The Great Reset & Political Corruption
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I sincerely appreciate all the support and hope to continue improving my capabilities, spreading truth, and releasing high-quality content. With these donations, the goals of purchasing new equipment, maintaining editing software subscriptions, and having the ability to pursue more ambitious projects, such as full-length documentaries, is much easier to accomplish.

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  • You will be directly assisting in the creation of all content and keeping the process moving forward. As I am just starting out, there are improvements to be made and plans to carry out. In the future, together, we can start a live show and begin producing full-length documentaries. I sincerely appreciate all the support and hope to continue improving my capabilities, spreading truth, and releasing high-quality content.
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Last night 
@TeamYouTube gave the channel another strike for medical misinformation. Even though the video has nothing to do with that topic. Check out the video about the 4th industrial revolution on Rumble. https://rumble.com/v110fa3-the-4th-industrial-revolution-worthless-humans-georgia-guidestones-and-tota.html
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