International Revolutionary Humanist Movement profile
International Revolutionary Humanist Movement
International Revolutionary Humanist Movement
The International Revolutionary Humanist Movement is the organization that will propagate revolutionary humanism.
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Subscription Tiers

per month
Token of Support

At this level, you get to contribute to the IRHM's operations, thus pushing forward the progress of revolutionary humanism.

0 subscribers
per month
Significant Support

At this level, you get to communicate directly with the leadership of the IRHM, through text/chat messages. Atleast three responses will be sent within a 14-day period of receiving your messages.

0 subscribers
per month
Revolutionary Humanist Ally

At this level, you get one question about the ideology, or of a major socio-political issue, answered by the leadership of the IRHM. This will be asked and answered through email, to the tune of atleast 200 words, within 14 days of being asked.

Limited (0 out of 10) subscriptions
per month

At this level, you get a 30-minute call with a member of IRHM leadership, to discuss whatever you want. This will be set up within 14 days of receiving a certain amount.

This call is a privilege reserved for only the most generous of our supporters.

Limited (0 out of 5) subscriptions


  • Upon subscribing, you will get a direct line of communication with the leadership of the IRHM.
  • Depending on your subscription level, this communication can be anything from emails to video calls.

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.

Star Stats

45 days
 Trust Period
0 posts


$0.00 of $900
per month
With this amount, I (the founder) can devote myself full-time to the propagation of revolutionary humanism and the growth of the IRHM.
$0.00 of $2,000
per month
With this amount, I (the founder) can recruit and train one operative, to do more and better work for this ideological movement,

Other stars

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