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John Michael Greer
Political astrology using mundane ingress charts

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Aries Ingress 2025: Washington DC

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Lunar Eclipse 14 March 2025

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US Presidential Inauguration 2025

Copyright © John Michael Greer 2025. All rights reserved.
This delineation shows the astrological indications for politics, economics, and society in the United States of America following the inauguration of President Donald Trump on 20 January 2025. It should be read in conjunction with all currently active ingress, eclipse, and outer planet conjunction charts. 
Executive Summary: Donald Trump takes office in the midst of a complex and intricately interwoven chart predicting a profoundly difficult period for the United States, in which the slow decline of American global primacy and the rise of widespread popular discontent with the existing order of American society are major forces. Trump’s efforts to push forward his agenda will be hindered by resistance from many sides. The American people will rise to the challenge of difficult times to an extent that may startle cynics, but there are hard limits to what can be accomplished. Major institutional change is coming, affecting some of the most basic aspects of American public life, and turmoil in every sphere of society should be taken as inevitable. 
Period of Effect: This chart will be active from the time of inauguration until the completion of Trump’s second term, whether it ends by the inauguration of his successor or by death or incapacity before that time. 
Inauguration Overview: The inaugural chart for a head of state provides a general picture of conditions during that head of state’s term in office. This is one of the few mundane charts that uses a time determined by political events on earth instead of celestial events in the heavens, and so inauguration charts tend to vary even more drastically than ingress, eclipse, or outer planet conjunction charts. Nor is this necessarily the definitive chart; we cannot be sure of the exact time of Trump’s inauguration until he puts his hand on the Bible.  Since several planets are very close to the house cusps in this chart, a few minutes one way or another could make a significant difference. (I will post a corrected chart after the inauguration if that turns out to be necessary.) 
In general, this is a very complex chart with more than the usual number of important aspects.  It is important to note that the Sun, which represents Trump and his administration, is far from the strongest or most influential planet in this chart. Many of the events for which the next four years will be memorable will have little to do with Trump directly. His presidency is more a symptom than a cause of the changes about to break over the United States. 
Sun and Moon: The Sun represents the incoming head of government, which (barring some wildly unexpected turn of events) will be Donald Trump. Since the second inauguration of Franklin Roosevelt in 1937, during whose first term the date was changed, the Sun has always been in his detriment in Aquarius at the time of the inauguration—a detail which may have much to do with the troubled state of the executive branch since then. In this chart the Sun is in the usual place, just short of one degree into Aquarius, and in the 10th house of the executive branch. “Great power dogged by failure and frustration” is a good summary of the influence of these conditions—which, again, have burdened every US president for nearly a century. 
The Sun in this chart has three significant aspects, all of them negative: semisquares with Venus and Saturn in the 11th and a distant separating opposition with Mars in the 3rd. None of these are strong, but they add to the sense of general frustration in this chart.  Venus, as discussed shortly, rules the 1st house of the American people; Mars rules the 7th house of foreign affairs; Saturn rules the 10th house, and thus represents the federal bureaucracy. All of these will offer resistance to Trump’s agenda and force him to struggle to achieve his goals. 
Each of these aspects has its own specific implications as well. Sun semisquare Venus warns of disputes with other countries and economic problems, especially afflicting the entertainment sector of the economy.  Sun semisquare Saturn indicates obstacles to the passage of legislation, disputes between the president and the rest of the political establishment, and economic trouble; it also predicts a difficult time for the rich, famous, and influential. Sun opposite Mars also foretells disputes with other nations; it also predicts bitter partisan rivalries, hostility toward the upper classes, and political turbulence. War is unlikely, due to the Moon’s weak placement, but hostilities short of war are all but certain, and some of these may be domestic. 
The Moon represents the general public, and more particularly that sector of the public that has the capacity to make its voice heard in political and cultural affairs. She is very weak in this chart, being peregrine and intercepted in Libra, and placed in the cadent 6th house. Of her four aspects, three are hostile—squares with Mars and Mercury and an inconjunct with Venus. Her only source of strength is a distant separating trine with Jupiter, and this is nothing like enough to save her from extreme weakness and debility. 
This in itself is fascinating, as the recent election has been read by some thoughtful observers as a rebellion by the masses against the politically connected minority the Moon represents. If so, the masses can expect to get their wish in at least one sense: the political classes will have very little power to influence events during the second Trump administration. 
The aspects just cited have their own stories to tell. Moon square Mercury warns of bitter disputes and controversies in Congress and the country generally, and since Mercury is in the 9th house of the judiciary, many of these will end up in court. Disputes over treaty obligations will have a serious influence on foreign affairs, and conflicts over schools, education, media, and transportation policy can be expected to boil over in a big way. Moon inconjunct Venus warns of excessive federal expenditures, controversies over trade policy and tariffs, volatility in markets, and the bankruptcies of important firms. 
Moon square Mars is an omen of conflict on the grand scale. With the Moon and Mars both very weak, actual war is unlikely, but blustering and saber-rattling will be the order of the day, and difficult questions will arise in foreign and domestic policy alike with few options for solutions. The military is troubled and there is a risk of disasters that will claim the lives of many servicepeople. Finally, weak though it is, the Moon’s trine with Jupiter offers some hope of economic stabilization, and in particular predicts improved conditions for working people and therefore some degree of domestic peace and contentment. 
The Moon is also significant here as she is an element of a powerful aspect pattern: a T square that includes her, Mercury, and Mars. The T square is an indication of stresses rising toward dramatic change. T squares are like drawn bows, and the empty fourth corner of the square is the direction toward which the arrow will fly; in this case, the 12th house of institutions is the target, and significant institutional change will be needed to resolve the stresses. This will almost certainly occur during Trump’s term in office, for reasons to be explained later; the timing will have to be read from ingress charts and other indications. 
The indications of the houses and their rulers are also important in this chart. 
The Economic Hemisphere: 
1st House: the house of the ordinary people of the nation, and in particular those whose voices aren’t normally heard in the collective discourse of the time has Taurus on its cusp and Venus for its ruler. Venus in this chart is strongly dignified in her exaltation in Pisces and is also in her day triplicity in that sign, giving her additional force; she receives help from a sextile with Mercury and a trine with Mars, but she is afflicted by an inconjunct with the Moon, a semisquare with the Sun, and a conjunction with baleful Saturn. She is also in the condition traditionally called besiegement and duress—that is, she is closely surrounded by two malefic planets, Saturn to one side and Neptune (always a malefic in mundane charts) to the other. 
Saturn rules conservatism and tradition, while Neptune rules mass consciousness and the deep currents of mind that affect culture and society. Caught between these two contending forces, Venus has very little room to maneuver, and so the condition of the American people during this time can be summed up as “doing their very best in a tightly constrained situation.” 
The sextile with Mercury, who rules the 2nd house of the economy and the 6th house of the laboring classes, suggests that improvements in the condition of working people will help considerably; her trine with Mars is best discussed when we reach that potent and complex planet. The inconjunct with the Moon and the semisquare with the Sun both indicate economic volatility  and troubles afflicting the entertainment sector of the economy. The conjunction with Saturn is also unfavorable for the economy, and all these aspects are unfortunate signs for women’s issues. 
The 1st house also contains two planets. Our old friend Uranus is here, and he’s up to his usual tricks: in his fall in Taurus and retrograde, he predicts sudden disruptive change. Interestingly, however, his only aspects are favorable—a trine with Mercury and a sextile with Mars. Expect more natural (and unnatural) disasters to hit the nation during the next four years, comparable to the recent troubles with hurricanes and fires; with Mercury in the 9th, government responses will likely be less feckless, and Mars in this chart hints at a substantial role for grassroots responses coordinated by the internet—a factor we’ll explore a little further down. 
Jupiter is also in this house, just over a degree from the cusp of the 2nd house. He is retrograde and in his detriment. He warns of financial extravagance and a crisis involving the federal budget toward the end of Trump’s term, though Jupiter is always benefic and so matters can be expected to work out favorably in the long run. He also influences the following house, predicting many corporate bankruptcies and high volatility in markets. Since he rules the 8th house of foreign trade and investment, watch these closely for hints of trouble to come. 
2nd House: the house of the national economy, trade, and banking has Gemini on its cusp and Mercury for its ruler. Mercury is very weak in this chart, being peregrine in Capricorn and placed in the cadent 9th house; he is strengthened by sextiles with Venus and Saturn and a distant but applying trine with Uranus, but he is afflicted by a square with the Moon and an opposition with Mars. A weak Mercury ruling this house indicates volatility in markets, losses affecting media and internet companies, and more than the usual burden of economic fraud. Be skeptical of unexpected good news—it will likely turn out to be false. 
3rd House: the house of transport, communication, and the media has Cancer on its cusp and the Moon is its ruler. The Moon’s very weak condition has been mentioned already. Expect industries in this sector to suffer seriously during the next four years, coming under legal pressure (Mercury square Moon) and another factor, one that shapes everything in this chart. This is the influence of Mars, who is placed at the end of this house, less than two degrees from the fourth house cusp. 
Mars is another very difficult planet in this chart, being retrograde and in his fall in Cancer; while he is in the cadent 3rd house, he is close enough to the 4th house cusp that he has the strength of an angular planet. He aspects six of the eight other planets, more than any other planet in this very busy chart. Conjunct the 4th house cusp, he warns that the people remain bitterly discontented with the current state of society; influencing the 3rd and 4th houses, he indicates the spread of revolutionary ideas through the crawlspaces of the internet and the all but abandoned communities of the rust belt and the flyover states.  Grassroots activism organized through the internet will become an increasing force, sometimes constructive—as when citizens provide help to those affected by disasters—and sometimes much less so. 
For now, Mars being as badly afflicted as he is, those ideas are unlikely to cause more than sporadic outbreaks of violence directed at targets that represent the worst aspects of the current system—the recent assassination of a health care executive is a warning of what can be expected in the years ahead. What may happen after the end of Trump’s second term is a question that only later charts can show.  
4th House: the house of agriculture, mining, and other resource extraction industries, as well as the rural regions of the nation, also has Cancer on its cusp and the Moon for its ruler. The next four years will be very difficult for rural communities and for resource extraction industries, with economic and political volatility as a result. With Mars on the house cusp, expect severe drought, though this will be broken at intervals by periods of ample rain (a traditional indication of Mars trine Venus). Fires, storms, and accidents affecting houses, mines, and agriculture are also likely. All of this will feed the rural discontent and revolutionary ideas l mentioned above. 
5th House: the house of speculative ventures, the rich and famous, and the entertainment industry, this has Leo on its cusp and the Sun therefore rules it. The Sun is in relatively weak condition in this chart, as noted earlier, and so speculative markets are likely to perform poorly during the four years ahead. Problems with the entertainment sector have already been noted, and this placement reinforces that indication. A scandal involving women or children will become a serious threat to rich and famous people.  
6th house: the house of public health, the work force, and the military, this has Virgo on its cusp and Mercury rules it. Mercury’s negative condition has already been mentioned above. Ruling this chart, it warns of ongoing trouble with unemployment, dissatisfaction among the laboring classes, and trouble with public health. Information regarding these subjects will become public and cause discontent and outrage. 
The Moon is also placed in this house. Peregrine, intercepted, cadent, and afflicted by two powerful squares, she warns of strikes, discontent, unemployment, and hardship; food prices will increase, public health will suffer, and cattle will likely suffer from disease, though all these factors will be geographically restricted, as shown by the Moon’s intercepted condition. 
The Political Hemisphere: 
7th house: the house of foreign affairs and the activities of other countries has Scorpio on its cusp and Mars is therefore its ruler. The condition of Mars in this chart has been discussed above; in his fall and retrograde, but angular and connected to most of the other planets by aspect, he predicts turmoil in foreign affairs and a great deal of trouble for the United States. Expect the US to continue to back down from its former hegemonic condition as pressures from other nations mount up. War is unlikely but a constant drumbeat of covert operations, economic embargoes, and bare-knuckle diplomacy can be expected in an attempt to slow the decline of US power over the global system. 

8th house: the house of foreign trade and other nations’ money and resources has Sagittarius on its cusp and Jupiter for its ruler. In his detriment and retrograde, Jupiter likely indicates the dependence of the current US system on massive borrowing from abroad, a lifeline that is fraying fast as the dollar’s role as global reserve currency ebbs. Expect unfounded confidence, earnest handwaving, and frantic attempts to keep the gravy train rolling to be the order of the day all through Trump’s second term. 
9th house: the house of the judiciary and of organized religion has Capricorn on its cusp and Saturn ruling it. Saturn also rules the cusp of the 10th, and so court rulings during the next four years will by and large support the executive branch and the claims of big government. Conservative trends in religion will be strong during the period ruled by this chart, but since Saturn is peregrine in Pisces and receives a complex blend of positive and negative aspects, that strength may well prove transitory. Saturn ruling this house is also traditionally unfavorable for foreign trade and shipping, and predicts storms at sea and loss of life on the coasts. 
Mercury is also placed in this house. Since this is also the house of space travel, the planet of science and technology in it suggests significant national expenditures on a space program, but since Mercury is peregrine and cadent, those will be much less successful than current hype predicts. This placement also predicts religious controversies, and storms along the coasts. 
10th house: the house of government and the executive branch also has Capricorn on its cusp and Saturn for its ruler. Saturn in this chart is peregrine; he receives strength from a conjunction with Venus and a sextile with Mercury, but he is hindered by a semisquare with the Sun and a square with Jupiter. This placement is favorable for law and order, and it predicts success in overcoming difficulties affecting the nation, but it also warns of unpopularity, difficulties, and hard limits. 
Since Saturn is afflicted by the ruler of the 8th house, Jupiter, there is a very real possibility that Trump will die in office or be incapacitated by illness. Even if this does not happen, the four years to come will be difficult for the federal government. With the Sun in this house semisquare the house ruler, an ongoing struggle between the presidency and the federal bureaucracy is a given, but since this is a minor aspect that struggle will not break out into open conflict. 
11th house: the house of the legislative branch, and more specifically of the lower house of the legislature, this has Aquarius on its cusp and Uranus for its ruler. Uranus, as already noted, is as strong and negative as usual, but is uncharacteristically supported by favorable aspects from Mercury and Mars. Expect some sudden and possibly traumatic event to impact Congress during Trump’s second term. It is possible, if the results of the first two years of Trump’s presidency are not to the taste of the American people, that the 2026 elections will give Democrats a majority in Congress; it is also possible that constitutional changes such as term limits may shift the balance of power in Washington decisively away from Congress. All that can be certain here is that drastic change is coming. 
Saturn and Venus are both placed late in this house. Saturn in the 11th predicts gridlock in the legislative sphere. Members of both parties become discontented with their leadership, and both parties become unpopular in the country. Venus in this house counteracts this to a limited extent but predicts scandal affecting members of Congress. 
12th house: the house of institutions has Pisces on its cusp and Neptune rules it. Neptune in this chart is located almost exactly on the 12th house cusp, less than 4 minutes of arc from it; the house and everything connected with it is subject to a potent malefic influence from Neptune, who is in his house and strengthened by a trine with Mars, though hindered by placement in a cadent house. Expect lurid scandals to surface relating to some of the most important institutions of American national life. The nonprofit sector faces charges of treachery and secret dealings with other countries; secret and mysterious crimes come to light. All of this will help drive a push for institutional reform—which may ultimately drive revolutionary change. 
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The 2021 Inauguration Chart: A Retrospective

Copyright © John Michael Greer 2024. All rights reserved.
Four years ago I published a delineation of the chart for Joe Biden’s inauguration as US president on 20 January 2021; you can find it linked here (or do a search for "inauguration" on my SubscribeStar page).  When I published it, it was not quite certain that Biden would be the one being inaugurated on that day, as a cascade of legal challenges to voting irregularities in the 2020 election were still pending. Donald Trump should be grateful that those challenges failed:  the chart, as I noted at the time, was the most relentlessly malefic mundane chart I had ever studied, and my interpretation turned out to be relatively accurate—though, as we’ll see, it was not without its mistakes. 
Joe Biden, as we all know, was left holding the booby prize. He leaves office shortly with his reputation in ruins, his approval ratings at record lows, and the agenda he (or his handlers) tried to push through during his presidency decisively repudiated by the American people. With that in mind, it may seem unnecessarily cruel to go back over his inauguration chart and point out how each of the negative influences shown there played out in practice. Since the revival of mundane astrology is still very much in its infancy, however, a retrospective of this kind has much to teach—and of course I still have plenty to learn about this subtle and complex branch of astrology, and discussing my hits and misses in public is a useful part of the learning process. 
With that in mind, I’ll give those paragraphs of my delineation that made specific predictions, focusing primarily on the aspects made by the Sun, and then discuss them one at a time. 
With Taurus rising, Venus rules the inauguration. She is very mildly dignified by day triplicity, but weakened by placement in the cadent 9th house; nonetheless she will have a calming and pacifying influence on the nation as a whole during the period of this chart. Given the potent malefic factors at work in this chart, however, and the fact that Venus is not in aspect with any of the other planets in this chart—one of only two planets thus isolated—hers will be a background influence, relevant primarily during lulls in the drumbeat of crisis.
In retrospect, I should have paid more attention to this factor. Venus was a background factor through the whole period of the chart, but she also indicated that the widespread domestic violence I feared would not break out during Biden’s term. 
The first aspect to perfect is Sun square Moon. While this is a hostile aspect, its significance is relatively mild in terms of day to day events. It represents difficulties facing the administration, a weakening of support from the political class, and strikes or demonstrations by the opposition. These will not be a major challenge to the new administration in the short term, because the Moon is weakly placed in this chart, being peregrine in Aries, and in the last degree of a sign; Aries is also intercepted in this chart, which limits the effect of planets placed in it. However, since the Sun represents the head of state and the Moon the politically active sector of the population, a Sun square Moon indicates a broad loss of support for the new administration among the politically influential classes. 
In addition, the Moon is loosely conjunct Mars and Uranus, two malefic planets whose very close conjunction will be examined a little further on.  Moon conjunct Mars warns of quarrels, riots, fires, and bloodshed.  A militant spirit is abroad in the country causing much unrest.  The armed forces become a significant source of trouble for the government.  Moon conjunct Uranus is unfavorable for Congress, predicting disorder, confusion, delay, unpopularity, and changes in laws and policies that have unexpected unfortunate effects.  State and municipal officials will face serious challenges, and a rising tide of hostility against all those in authority is in process.  These first troubles will thus be a harbinger of more serious problems to come. 
All this turned out to be more or less correct. There were in fact serious demonstrations by the opposition, most notably on 6 January 2021, but they posed no significant threat to Biden’s administration. The loss of support from influential circles was more significant; the shift of significant Silicon Valley figures, notably Elon Musk, into Trump’s camp turned out to be a disastrous omen for Biden’s administration. 
The next to perfect is Sun conjunct Saturn, a far more potent aspect that is highly unfortunate for the government and head of state. It predicts intractable obstacles and delays facing the administration, and a significant loss of popular support.  The government’s legislative agenda is stymied, and differences emerge between the president and Congress or between the two houses of Congress. This aspect is also unfortunate for the economy, brings gloom and misfortune to the privileged classes, and portends troubles for state and municipal officials. This aspect can also indicate the death of a leading politician. 
Notice that Saturn is also square the Moon and the malefic Mars-Uranus conjunction, and these squares influences the Sun-Saturn conjunction.  Moon square Saturn is unfortunate for the economy and for tax revenue; the country is depressed and disordered, and the machinery of government does not work smoothly.  This aspect warns of increased unemployment and poverty, turbulence in the markets, embarrassing events for the government, and serious troubles affecting state and municipal officials. 
We certainly saw most of these factors at work. Biden’s legislative agenda did better in Congress than I expected, but ran into challenges in the courts and also in terms of popular reaction. The Moon-Saturn square and the Mars-Saturn square below had another meaning, which I missed completely. 
Mars square Saturn is another indication of severe trouble for the government, bringing serious difficulties in national life, a turbulent spirit directed against all those in power, and a wave of riots, crimes, murders, and other violent events. The police or armed forces may be involved in the unrest either as targets or, far more dangerously, as participants.  Saturn square Uranus warns of troubles and disasters facing the government and major political disturbances. Sweeping political changes are proposed but are badly planned or timed and face insurmountable resistance.  This aspect again warns of the death of a leading politician.
This was my first major mistake in interpreting this chart. I should have recognized this as an omen of war, as of course it turned out to be. The US is not officially a combatant in the Russo-Ukrainian war that has dominated most of Biden’s presidency, but Ukraine is only able to keep fighting because of huge and ongoing infusions of money and arms from the US, and many reports from neutral observers indicate that we also have plenty of “military advisers” and “mercenaries”—that is to say, US military personnel—actively involved in the fighting. This has proved disastrous for the US on several levels, as many of our most vaunted weapons systems have turned out to be paper tigers in actual combat, and the economic sanctions our government relied on to bring Russia to its knees turned out to be even more feeble. 
Finally, Saturn is in exact semisquare aspect with Neptune at the time of the inauguration.  This aspect portends delay and confusion in national life. The people are unfortunate and discontented and feel that their interests are threatened.  Secret or mysterious crimes can be expected, and state and municipal officials face discredit or downfall.  
This, on the other hand, turned out to be quite correct. 
Next up as the Sun proceeds on its way is Sun square Mars.  This brings disputes, quarrels, and dissension at home and abroad, and especially affects the 12th house of national institutions, which Mars occupies in the chart.  Established national institutions are thus placed in jeopardy.  Waves of public excitement can be expected, militant feelings are widespread, and the president, the government, and the privileged classes face widespread hostility and opposition.  This aspect yet again is associated with deaths among the political leadership of the nation. 
This was another misstep on my part. Sun square Mars is another indication of war, and was fulfilled with the outbreak of the latest round of fighting in the Middle East. Here again the US was caught flatfooted, most obviously by the inability of the US Navy to do anything effective against the Houthi militias in Yemen when the latter made life interesting in the Red Sea. That said, the other aspects of the interpretation have turned out to be correct: core institutions of US life are indeed in jeopardy, and the attitude of the masses can be gauged very well by the way that everyone outside the centers of power in the US reacted to the assassination of health insurance CEO Brian Thompson: across party lines, the general response of “okay, that’s a good start” testifies to the near-total loss of support for the existing elite among society in general.  
Almost simultaneous with the Sun square Mars is Sun square Uranus.  This is another highly malefic indication; it predicts sudden crisis for the government resulting from some false step on the part of the nation’s leadership. Popular support wanes further, friends are lost and enemies made, attempted changes and reforms prove to be unwise and unsuccessful, and conflict within the ruling party can be expected. 
This, on the other hand, was a hit, though I should have been more specific and emphasized it more. It refers to the replacement of Joe Biden by Kamala Harris as Democratic candidate by a cabal of party insiders.  That turned out to be a disastrous mistake, and helped make Trump’s victory in the election even more robust than it would otherwise have been.  
The very close conjunction between Mars and Uranus should be taken into account at this point. This is another aspect indicating sudden and unexpected troubles facing the government, and a costly false step by the administration. It predicts public turmoil, strikes, violence, lawlessness, charges of bad faith or broken promises, and a crisis of confidence in which the people lose what faith in their government they still have left. Mars and Uranus are both poorly dignified in this chart, Mars being in his detriment and Uranus in his fall, and both planets are in the cadent 12th house, so the impact of these troubles will be less drastic than it might otherwise be: a period of cascading problems rather than a total catastrophe. 
This turned out to be quite accurate, and in particular sums up the final months before the 2024 election with fair precision. 
The last aspect within the Sun’s orb is Sun conjunct Jupiter.  This represents an improvement of conditions in the wake of crisis. Once the cascading disasters are over, some degree of peace and prosperity can be expected and the government comes in for a lucky break or two.  On the other hand, since Jupiter rules the 8th house of death in this chart, it may simply mean that good things will be said about the late president after his death. 
Jupiter’s benefic force will have limited effect because he is afflicted by a conjunction with Saturn and squares with the Mars-Uranus conjunction. Jupiter square Mars predicts public agitation over secret crimes, and also indicates the spread of a militant spirit in the country.  Jupiter conjunct Saturn warns of serious disturbances in the national life and prolonged economic troubles which may take many forms.  Jupiter square Uranus is unfortunate for the ruling party, bringing the defeat of legislative measures and success for the opposing party. 
As of this writing, Biden is still alive, so the indications of death did not pan out; on the other hand, the collapse of the Syrian government and the tentative ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah might well be considered lucky breaks for the US, and the wave of rioting over Trump’s victory predicted by so many pundits after the election failed to emerge. The Jupiter aspects also seem to be borne out fairly well. 
Most of my predictions based on house rulerships were fairly run of the mill; readers may consult them in the post linked earlier, and make their own judgments. I would like to discuss a few of them, however. 
3rd House: the house of transport, communication, and the media. With Cancer on the cusp, the Moon rules this house, and the Moon is in dismal shape:  peregrine in Aries, afflicted by squares with the Sun and Saturn and by conjunctions with the malefic planets Mars and Uranus. All 3rd house industries are facing an extremely rough time, with restrictive actions by government (Sun square Moon), economic troubles (Moon square Saturn), and sudden disruptions due to violence or disaster (Moon conjunct Mars and Uranus) all landing hard on this part of the economy. 
This one was a partial hit at best. Given the condition of the Moon, I should have realized that it was predicting a near-total loss of public trust in the corporate media. With viewership of the main news programs at all-time lows, and surveys suggesting that most people would consider a broken Magic 8-Ball a more reliable source of information, that has certainly taken place. 
6th house: the house of public health, the work force, and the military. With Virgo on the cusp, Mercury rules this sign, and the same mildly favorable influences discussed in the 2nd house apply here as well. One noteworthy point is that there is no indication that the coronavirus epidemic will continue to be an issue; by the time the new administration takes office that may well be a spent force. 
Another partial hit. Covid is still a significant health issue but it has dropped out of the political sphere, and only a few public health authorities are even trying to push the kind of measures that featured so heavily in the 2020-2022 epidemic. The collapse of trust in vaccines and the medical industry generally which has been so notable a feature of post-Covid America is not shown in this chart—understandably, since Biden had little to do with either of these. 
7th house: the house of foreign affairs and the activities of other countries, this has Scorpio on its cusp and Mars is therefore its ruler.  Mars is dismally placed in this chart; he is in his detriment in Taurus, afflicted by squares with the Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn and a very close conjunction with the malefic planet Uranus, and in the cadent 12th house; the only factor on the other side of the balance is a loose conjunction with a very weak Moon. The position of the United States in the world will take a steep dive during the period covered by this chart. Since several aspects affecting Mars in this chart are associated with bad decisions made by political leaders, much of the damage is likely to be self-inflicted. 
While this was certainly correct, the condition of this house was also screaming “War!” at the top of its lungs, and I missed that. 
11th house: the house of the legislative branch, and more specifically of the lower house of the legislature, this has Aquarius on its cusp and Uranus is therefore its ruler.  Uranus is in the worst dignity of any planet in this chart, in his fall in Taurus, in the cadent 12th house, and afflicted by a barrage of squares and hostile conjunctions in which the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn all play a role.  All this suggests that during the time covered by this chart, the House of Representatives might charitably be described as a basket case. 
With an afflicted Uranus as its ruler, the House leadership is likely to go charging ahead in an attempt to force radical changes neither the country nor the rest of the government is willing to support.  The results will be disastrous for the house leadership, and Neptune late in the 11th—the one really strong planet in this chart, in his rulership in Pisces—indicates that the voters will have their own response to this, probably in the 2022 elections. 
Change that last phrase to “the 2024 elections” and these two paragraphs turned out to be quite correct. 
12th house: the house of institutions has Pisces on its cusp and Neptune is therefore its ruler. Neptune is the planet of mass phenomena, and suggests that the very wide gulf between American institutions and the American people will begin to break down while this chart is in effect.  The political class, despite its control over some major institutions, may find itself sidelined to a much greater extent than it expects (Moon peregrine and intercepted in Aries in the 12th). The 12th is also the house of secret enemies and of self-undoing, and both of these factors will be of central importance to the political trajectory covered by this chart, as whatever set of events is indicated by the Mars-Uranus conjunction will come out of the blue—at least from the perspective of the established powers of our era—and will take advantage of fatal missteps on the part of the administration. 
This also turned out to be quite correct. 
All in all, then, I would call this delineation a partial success, though with some notable misses; not bad, perhaps, for my first presidential inauguration chart. I am currently working on a delineation for the chart for Donald Trump’s second inauguration, which will take place at noon on January 20, 2025; when that is ready, it will be posted to my SubscribeStar and Patreon sites as a public post—and then we’ll see, over the next four years, how well I did. 
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