Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome to the JoesAtmosfere’s back stage area! Here you’ll find the production notes and back stories of the characters of my passion project. Bringing the Privateer to life in the pages of a comic book. Always wanted to do it and never had the time. First few posts will be me moving most of the stories already written here from other web sites. My subscribers will be the first to get the inside dope and history America’s Pirate Patriot.
As a subscriber you’ll also be able to see and assist me in evolving my Video channels on several platforms. I have a channel on Twitch, YouTube, Rumble and Odysee. I’ll let you know about videos and streams under development. Let me know what subjects you’d like my brother and I to cover on our weekly, one hour talk show, The Brothers Hack the Matrix.
I look forward to an exciting journey here on subscribe Star and hope to earn every penny of your subscription! In the immortal words of The Privateer, “Let freedom ring!”