In Taiwan they have had a rare weather event as snow settles on their highest mountain in May
Occurring only five times since 1990 it last occurred eleven years ago in 2011
Now this is the sort of thing hat not only have I seen elsewhere but also predicted would happen as well as increase in frequency as we approach 2030.
Many things that affect climate are things that build up, or indeed drop down, along geological time-scales and, sadly, our records are sparse or even completely non-existent altogether.
They can harp on at you about these records, those records, this technique or that technique but when you do not have all the data, you simply do not have all the data.
If you fill in the gaps, no matter how you do it, and claim you are right and therefore claim some consequences of this then you are this is the very definition of what pseudoscience is.
If you do not know, in real science you have something called the Replication Crisis and this is named because they say that if you was to retest all scientific papers more than half of them would prove to be wrong.
So if science itself is 50/50 it is considered precarious at best to reply on anything with any certainty sooo .. why is there a group that bullies and shames you over pseudoscience?