In a book written by a Physician and a Molecular Geneticist they claim that if your Vitamin D was under a certain level you was 18 times more likely to die from Covid19?
Did they not censor talk like this during the pandemic?
There are many things that I pointed out to others during all this ..
- The NHS had been doing everything ot not diagnose people for a decade
- You cannot rush treatments the way they have
- You will also have long-term effects of rushed treatments as well as the short-term effects
- Its against all ethics and human rights to force this .. PERIOD
During this period leaving aside fake news as you cannot trust any of them on anything at all as has been proven over and over again in at least two areas of science and politics ..
During the pandemic I heard of five people that had died of Covid in my own life but these were all old people and not only do I know anything about what other ailments that may have had, they may not have either. Number 1.
I know of at least 7 people that died as a result of the vaccines. As I have written about both my daughter and myself have had conditions the NHS have tried to avoid dealing with which includes heart and chest issues.
Mine got worse over 18 months ago and my daughter's a couple of months ago after she had covid. I had suspected for a long time that I had already had covid and my daughter's case has confirmed this. Which means I had Covid a couple of months PRIOR to it 'officially' reaching the UK in early February 20120.
As my heart condition is currently under investigation and my daughter's only just occurred and now knowing that the vaccines have an effect on your heart, then ask yourself what would have happened to us had we given in to the relentless BULLYING from everyone?
Now think about 7 billion people across the world having these rushed vaccines with pre-existing conditions they had no idea they knew about. It it can happen with large numbers of people under the NHS then anywhere, right?
After all they knew about mine and I still have the records from 2017, parts of records the NHS have promised to hand over to me for over a year, the past being last Friday or the Friday previous, that failed to turn up. Again.