Lux Brush profile
Lux Brush
Lux Brush
Hello I'm Lux Brush. Your standard starving artist. I create art in many different forums, vector, 3D modeling, and some others. I mostly work in vector right now using Affinity Design.
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  • You'll get access to my art three weeks early and I may take any suggestions you leave for my next drawings idea.
Displaying posts with tag Pony (MLP).Reset Filter
Lux Brush
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Line Art: Maud Pie

I really like how this one came out, she didn’t really fight me too much. Mostly the left eye, it still seems off.
Oh well, I like it and hope you all do too.
You can find my art commission here
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Lux Brush
Public post

Vector Art: Link Pony from “Flutter Brutter”

Ah, the Link pony from the background of the episode Flutter Brutter of MLP:FiM.
I forgot their cutie mark, though at this angle you wouldn’t see much of it anyway.
I was going for a more simplistic background and I think the drawing worked out well.
You can commission me here
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Lux Brush
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Color Art: Quibble Pants

This was fun to draw of Quibble Pants. Had a little problem with the front hooves at first, but I got that figured out.
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Lux Brush
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Sketch: Vapor Trail

I really enjoyed working on this sketch. I didn’t really even notice that it took about an hour to finish. The wings are rough, but I like the way they came out.
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Lux Brush
Public post

Sketch: Teen Applejack

I was looking through my art folders again and I found this sketch of teen Applejack that I did back in 2016. Apparently I didn’t post it anywhere online. This seems to be happening a lot. Though back then I didn’t have the tools to help me manage posting my art that I do now.
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Lux Brush

MLP:FiM x Avatar: Scootaloo cosplay as Toph

Posted for $1, $5 tiers
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