Math Easy Solutions profile
Math Easy Solutions
Math Easy Solutions
I mainly make math videos and research into developing true free energy Aether science and technology!


  • Be apart of what may very well be the only person in the world actively pursing true suppressed Aether free energy and anti-gravity science and technology in a rigid academically sound methodology.
Math Easy Solutions
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MES Livestream 80: Exterior Lobby Columns were still Standing on 9/11

Join me as I explore the most irrefutable proof of exotic technology used on 9/11, which was the still standing exterior lobby steel columns of the WTC Twin Towers, with no trace of the 500,000 tons and 110 floors of each tower that were once above them.

March 15, 2025 SATURDAY at 1 PM PST / 3 PM CST / 4 PM EST / 11 PM CAT / 21:00 GMT (UK)
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Math Easy Solutions
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The Precise Definition of a Limit of a Sequence

In this video I go over a more precise definition of the limit of a sequence by using the same approach as for the limit of a function. If the limit of a sequence exists, then there must be a positive number ε such that it has a corresponding number N where if the sequence term n is greater than N, then the absolute value of the difference between the n-th term of the sequence and the limit L is less than ε.
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Math Easy Solutions
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Hutchison Effect: Steel Rod Bends, Levitates, and Flies Upwards

In this video I have posted the famous 1988 bending steel rod Hutchison Effect experiment, which Paul Mueller of the @INVENTOR3 channel currently has in his possession! He also has the solid steel cylinder that turned to jelly from the 1989 footage. These samples are one of the few rare ones that were both filmed during the Hutchison Effect and are currently available. 

#HutchisonEffect #science #AntiGravity #technology #ZeroPointEnergy
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Math Easy Solutions
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The Limit of a Sequence

In this video I go over the limit of a sequence, its notation, as well as plotting it on a number line and graphing it out.
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Math Easy Solutions
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Sequences: Definition, Notation, Fibonacci, and Examples

In this video I go over sequences, which are just ordered lists of numbers, the notation used to describe them, and several examples to illustrate how to obtain the general formula of the terms of a sequence. I also discuss briefly discuss the famous Fibonacci sequence, which is defined recursively by adding up the previous two terms.
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Math Easy Solutions
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John Hutchison Interview on the Elaine Smitha Show (2000): Skunk Works

ln this video I have uploaded another very rare 2000 interview of John Hutchison on the Elaine Smitha Show titled: Skunk Works - A Peek at our Future... Star Trek Style. John Hutchison discusses his involvement with the 1980s Star Wars program and how the US and Canadian governments classified the Hutchison Effect experiments he did for them. When John went to Germany in hopes of immigrating there, the Canadian government illegally confiscated all 22 tons of his lab equipment but left the metal samples and documents.

This interview is likely the only instance of it being published online anywhere on the internet!
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