Nerdette's NewsStand profile
Nerdette's NewsStand
Nerdette's NewsStand
Hey! My name is Tristen, I am a content creator on YouTube {Nerdettes NewsStand} specifically about nerd culture and comics!
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Ace The Bat Hound!

Thanks for help supporting the channel!

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Power up with Robin... Batman sidekick, and your first chance at exclusive Twice Monthly Videos!

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Red Hood

Red Hood rings vigilante justice with Twice Monthly Video & (Written) Shout-Out at the end of every video!

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Step it up with the man himself, Batman, as you fight for Gotham with Twice Monthly Videos and (Vocal) Shout-Out at the end of each video!

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Bat Family

The whole bat family has arrived, with twice Monthly Video & Both (Vocal & Written) Shout-Out at the end of each video! Also a chance to suggest content for future videos!

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Nerdette's NewsStand

from 21 mar, 2022

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