Phillip Plays profile
Phillip Plays
Phillip Plays
I play 90's and 00's nostalgia games on Twitch and make videos for YouTube.
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Subscription Tiers

per month
Tip Jar

Thank you for your support! For contributing just one dollar, you will have access to 100's of exclusive videos as well as the power to vote in patron-only polls, and recognition at the end of every stream. Thank you for your support!

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $1.00 tier
per month
Straw Hat Club

Thank you for joining the Straw Hat Club! For supporting at this level, you will join an exclusive community with access to private discord channels and a VIP badge on Twitch, as well as everything offered in the Tip Jar!

3 subscribers Patron
per month
Straw Hat Plus

All Patrons subscribed to the Straw Hat Plus tier will receive a hand-written thank you card signed and sent personally from me every 6 months, plus Christmas and birthdays! You will also be the coolest people on the internet, have notifications turned on for your streams and automatic Discord posts whenever you go live, and you'll have access to the perks of all previous tiers!

0 subscribers Patron


  • Exclusive Content
  • Private Discord Community
  • Thank You Cards

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Phillip Plays
Public post
Subscribestar Revamped - New Perks!

Hey everyone! Thank you very much for supporting me on Subscribestar. I want to let you know about some recent improvements I've made which may impact you as a supporter.
Firstly, I've condensed the 4 tiers into 3. I realized that the Hype Tier was not really needed and didn't add much of an additional benefit, so I opted instead to turn the two middle tiers in to one big community I call the Straw Hat Club!
What this means for current subscribers is this: you may have received an email saying that you were removed and then added back to the Straw Hat Club Tier. This is just because I had to move you guys around a bit so I could change the price from $3 to $5. Current supporters will still be charged the exact same amount as before for the same perks. Nothing has changed.
The Tip Jar Tier ($1), previously Support Tier, is seeing some small cuts to perks, but nothing major. You will still get to see all of the same exclusive videos (a library of literally 100's!), but will no longer have access to the Straw Hat Club Discord community. This is going to be an exclusive group for patrons $5/month or higher (as well as those subbed on Twitch) who want a more personal experience.
Additionally, blog posts for streamers have been removed as have piggyback patrons. These weren't popular features anyway.
The Thank You Card Tier was renamed to Straw Hat Plus and patrons will still get thank you cards in the mail at the same rate as they did before.
That's about all! This is the biggest update to the Subscribestar in a very long time. I feel that everything is condensed and optimized as much as I can currently manage. I hope that you all feel good about these changes and are as excited as I am to move forward!

Edit: After talking this over, I've also decided to move the Notifications On perk and Automatic Discord Posts to the $10 tier for new members.
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The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.


$2 of $20
per month
Stream Majora's Mask with Crowd Control but everything costs 1 coin
$2 of $40
per month
Barbie's Horse Adventures Stream with Hannah
$2 of $60
per month
Newgrounds Flash Games Stream (Part 2)
$2 of $80
per month
Jackbox Party Packs stream with patrons!
$2 of $100
per month
8-hour subathon, 16-hour max (Twitch)
$2 of $125
per month
Ocarina of Time Randomizer with Crowd Control but everything costs 1 coin
$2 of $175
per month
Superman 64 Full Playthrough
$2 of $200
per month
10-hour subathon, 20-hour max (Twitch)
$2 of $300
per month
12-hour subathon, 24-hour max
$2 of $400
per month
14-hour subathon, 28-hour max
$2 of $500
per month
16-hour subathon, 32-hour max

Other stars


The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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