Redonkulas profile
Redonkulas Productions creates politically direct comedy and satire.

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Boone's Farm

Thank you for the donation!

34 подписчика
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Five O'Clock Vodka

Thanks for the donation and hangover!

15 подписчиков
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Jameson Cold Brew

Thank you for the donation and the tasty beverage! Send us the article and topics you'd like to see on the show!

113 подписчиков
USD в месяц
Old Smoky Salted Caramel Whiskey

Thank you for the donation and the amazing foo foo drink (and the homo suspicion point)! Send us the articles and topics you'd like to see covered on the show!

46 подписчиков

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  • Early access to all pre-recorded episodes
  • Access to the special Guilded chat exclusively for supporters
  • Live-stream after-parties with Popp and the Regiment

Displaying posts with tag Dontgetmarried.Reset Filter
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NOW PUBLIC: Don't Get Married, Bro!
Why would young men want to get married to today’s modern women?
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EARLY ACCESS: Don’t Get Married, Bro! Why would young men want to get married to today’s modern w...

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The Perils of Getting Married… Again
It’s a Redonkulas Roundtable with special guests talking about the phenomenon of men putting their neck in the guillotine of marriage for a second time. Drink up tonight at 8pm EDT!
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Divorced Into the Poor House
The Drunk Uncles want to hear your stories of becoming a slave for the divorce court industry tonight at 8pm EDT! Send them in the chat or call-in via Streamyard!
Call in here:
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What Steven Crowder (and Every Man) Can Expect During a Divorce
First Sergeant Popp has a briefing for Mr. Steven Crowder regarding what he can expect from his divorce.
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Публичный пост
Military Marriage: A Waste of Life and Time
When the chain of command becomes a chain around your neck just because she’s not happy, you’re better off single.
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