Santo's Workshop profile
Santo's Workshop
Santo's Workshop
Fiction, fan and original. And pictures of painted wargame miniatures.

Планы подписки

USD в месяц
Thank You Very Much!

You enjoy my work enough to throw me a tip! Thank you very much. I will use it to buy chicken for my dog.

You will also get one vote for the poll to decide which of the stories that's not one of the main ones will get an update at the end of the month.

0 подписчиков
USD в месяц
Buy Me A Taco

You enjoy my work enough to buy me one whole taco. Or most of one, more likely, it'll go to most of a can of food for my dog. Either way. Thank you so very much.

As a bonus, you get not one but TWO whole votes for the poll to decide which of the stories that's not one of the main ones will get an update at the end of the month.

0 подписчиков
USD в месяц
Buy Me Two Tacos!

Some people would buy booze. I buy tacos and canned goods for canine consumption. You join here? I'll be buying at least one of either a month!

As a super thank you. Have the next chapter of whatever I'm working on.

And lastly, not one, not two, but FIVE votes for the poll to decide which of the stories that's not one of the main ones will get an update at the end of the month.

0 подписчиков
USD в месяц
Oh Wow...Okay, You Get Early Access

I try not to work on a week to week basis. I normally try (and sometimes fail) to keep a buffer and give myself some wriggle room for posting the next chapter.

For this? Not anymore. You have access to everything that's ready to be posted. At least four chapters ahead of anything that's publicly available.

And lastly, ten whole votes for the poll to decide which of the stories that's not one of the main ones will get an update at the end of the month.

12 подписчиков
USD в месяц
Thank you for giving me your beer money.

For your decision to give me your beer money...erm...You have everything that's available previously.

And fifteen votes for the poll to decide which of the stories that's not one of the main ones will get an update at the end of the month.

Frankly, don't do this one unless you wanna throw more money at me for some reason.

0 подписчиков
USD в месяц
Why would you give me this much?

Literally the same thing as before. Except for the poll at the end of the month, you get to put in the most votes out of any tier. In the truest spirit of Capitalism, you get twenty votes if you choose this one.

Frankly, don't do this tier, I'll feel guilty. Seriously, only if you don't have something better to do with your cash. I put this one here purely to satisfy my OCD because I had this mental image of like, 'what's beer money anyways?' and the thing that came to mind was a twenty dollar bill. So yeah.

Stick to an earlier tier. Unless you REALLY want them twenty votes.

0 подписчиков


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