
My perspective on gaming, culture and maybe some politics. I'm here to entertain and have some rational conversation with rational people.
61 days
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1 subscriber
0 posts
Bryan Rush is OUTSPOKEN
Freedom lover / Truth Teller / Motivator. TV Show. Podcast. Articles.
31 days
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21 posts
Veritas Nunquam Perit
A Channel in the pursuit of Truth and Common Sense, wherever it may be found. Veritas Nunquam Perit - "The Truth never perishes" (Lucius Annaeus Seneca, c. 4 BC - AD 65).
Walking Conundrum
History, psychology, culture, & current events from a centrist "colored" minority in America. I want to encourage people to learn, think independently & have discussions. It's in those discussions where we usually find answers we're looking for.
This is the SubscribeStar Page of The REAL KingDude, watch and listen to The Mike Church Show when and where you want!
Deprogrammed with Keri Smith
Keri Smith is the founder of Unsafe Space and Civility Dinners. Deprogrammed started as a series of interviews intended to better understand and make sense of her old belief system, Social Justice ideology. Deprogrammed is committed to fostering conversation, creating a culture that respects freedom of speech, and making space for both reason and faith.
Mr. Patriarch
A reactionary family man making videos on history, politics, culture and Christianity.
7 subscribers
61 posts
Timothy J Gordon, Rules for Retrogrades
Thank you for financially supporting the Rules for Retrogrades/Timothy Gordon podcast! I’m the 9-tailed scourge of cowardice and heterodoxy: I oppose the Modernist brigands on your behalf. Atheist Friedrich Nietzsche claimed he was the north wind to ripe figs. I’m the south wind.
3 days
 Trust Period
51 subscribers
216 posts
Julia Follin (Julia's Wellness Tips)
Planning to answer Q and As here and share more exclusive content (recipes, consultations, etc)
Creating political and current commentary content on gender ideology and other radical movements
Sowell Explains
Bringing you the wisdom of Thomas Sowell on economics, politics and culture. If you like my work, then please consider supporting it by making a monthly pledge.
Independent Man
Help support Independent Man make media great again.
7 subscribers
14 posts
Jerry Liu
Jerry Liu likes to find nuance in many of the issues in modern society. However, modern society wants to put labels on him and also prevent him from encouraging independent thought and discourse. Let's help the spreading knowledge and independent thinking.
L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise
A weekly journal of libertarian opinion and comment on politics and cultural matters. Founded by Award-winning author L. Neil Smith and edited by Charles Curley. Online since 1995.
Clifton Hicks
Banjo Heritage
10 subscribers
161 posts
The Other Cola
Tired of the same ol' stories? Then help me tell thoughtful and fun stories that are of a "different flavor", reflections on filmmaking and our changing culture. Currently making the cosmic horror Short film and cinematic universe, The Tear.

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