
We've Read The Documents
The official SubscribeStar for We've Read The Documents.
5 подписчиков
233 поста
Lost Arts Radio (Lost Arts Research Institute)
"Crafting real life solutions from timeless wisdom and tools - practical applications of Love."
376 постов
Chris Graves
I'm a researcher/on-air personality for radio shows/podcasts such as Get M.A.D. With Chris Graves on Ochelli.com, Paratruther with Tony Arterburn, The New Prisoners, I Protest With Donald Jeffries, The Arterburn Radio Transmission
Arsinoe Library
Arsinoe Library is a publisher and research center for classic literature, culture, and historical epics. Our goal is to make these works accessible to modern audiences with research and enhanced narratives.
Yannic Kilcher
Machine Learning Research Videos
1 подписчик
230 постов
Margo - The Scientific Empath - shares research and information on Abrupt Climate Change, Near Term Human Extinction and the End Times. Margo also shares her dreams, visions and intiutions about what is coming and offers spiritual support.
7 подписчиков
62 поста
Canadian Whatever
A Canadian Nurse in Canada working hard to bring the real facts without political, media, or mainstream bias.
0 постов
Matt Cole
Provision in online courses, organization, and research.
Old ideas aren’t helping and discussion is under fire. Together may our hearts be kind, our minds fierce and our spirits brave. Trying to evolve in a an upside down world, Together.You are not alone in this Brave New World.
30 дней
 Период Доверия
5 постов
Rewriting the rules of propaganda.
14 дней
 Период Доверия
13 постов
Retroreloader - Returnlearn - Heartsmindsmedia
Creating Retro Art, infographics, Books and Games.
0 постов
Anthony and Kathleen Patch
Creating Educational Broadcasting and Publishing
919 постов
Gianni Flash
22 дней
 Период Доверия
1 пост
Wiki World Order
(wikiworldorder.org) Independent research and multimedia to collaboratively outgrow the corporate-industrial complex. You can support my software at https://www.subscribestar.com/rockhopsoft
6 постов

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